Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by L.S. Hartfield.
Famous Quotes By L.S. Hartfield
The shattered glass Of soundproof walls That can block the night no more Is scattered, alas, On the broken stillness Of a distant, darkened shore. — L.S. Hartfield
Famous Quotes
Decebel pulled Jen close in a show of gentleness that she was beginning to notice he only displayed to her. "You don't always have to be the strong one." "That's where you're wring, Dec. I do, for them. Sally, Lilly, and at times even Fane. I have to be the one who believes so strongly that we will get her back that I can be sarcastic. That I have the luxury of bringing humor be it light or dark into this majorly messed up situation. And not that we will just get her back, but that we will get her back whole. There are worse things than death to a woman, Decebel." Author: Quinn Loftis