L.J.Smith Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 100 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by L.J.Smith.
Famous Quotes By L.J.Smith

She wanted to tell him that she understood him now, in a way she'd never understood anyone before. Because she was with him. It wasn't even like being in the web; it was much closer than that, much deeper. He'd torn down all the barriers and put his soul into her hands. — L.J.Smith

It took me a while to get myself untied. Every time I meet you , I seem to end up hog-tied and unconscious — L.J.Smith

You love her, don't you?' [Rob] said to Gabriel.
Gabriel finall seemed able to break their locked stare. He looked away, at the carpet. His face was bleak.
Yes' he said
More than anything,' Rob persisted. 'You'd crawl on your belly over broken glass for her. Easy.'
Yes, damn you,' Gabriel said. 'Happy now? — L.J.Smith

If it had been touch, it might have been pressure-not an uncomfortable pressure, but one that swept away all the pain of her headache. Like a river rushing through her mind, clearing out everything stagnant and clotted and decayed. — L.J.Smith

In the Night World there's this idea called the soulmate principle. It says that every person has one soulmate out there, just one. And that person is perfect for you and is your destiny. — L.J.Smith

She was looking more sleazy than grungy today, in an orange top cut so low that you could ski down the bare skin in front. — L.J.Smith

Katherine," he said. He was still smiling.
"Yes." She leaned closer.
"Katherine ... "
"Yes, Damon?"
"Go to hell. — L.J.Smith

You've changed me, she thought. Not just showing me that boys aren't all pond scum. You've made me different, made me look at the broader picture. Given me vision. — L.J.Smith

Yes, as Damon had sat in the dimly-lit booth with Kenzy, he recognized the psychic screamer, and it was his own little redbird, Bonnie the brown-eyed enchantress, caught in a moment of unbearable trauma and funneling all her terror and distress into a tight psychic message addressed to him. Someone was hurting Bonnie, he'd realized, perhaps even killing her. That meant someone was going to be exceedingly sorry exceedingly soon. Whoever it was would learn the meaning of pain in a hundred languages before they would be allowed to die. Damon had flashed his most gorgeous barracuda smile at nothing at all. — L.J.Smith

The Blood She Betrayed is unique, and Shahkara, the character, is one of the most engaging strong female role models I've seen in a long time. This girl can handle herself! The plot is full of ingenious twists, turns and surprises, and I look forward to reading the next book in the series. — L.J.Smith

Sleeping in the back of the van was cramped and a little stuffy-like sleeping in a compartment on a train, Kaitlyn guessed. But she didn't really mind being crowded in with Rob. He was warm and nice to hang on to. Comfortingly solid. — L.J.Smith

Sometimes I think if I blink, you'll disappear."
Oh, Eileithyia, Thea thought. Oh, Aphrodite. I'm in terrible trouble.
The thing was, it was terrible and wonderful. She felt awkward and tremendously safe at once, scared to death and not scared of anything. And what she wanted was so simple. If he only felt the same, everything would be all right.
I just can't even imagine life without you anymore, but I'm so afraid you'll go away," Eric said, still looking fatalistically at the computer on the desk. — L.J.Smith

She had never been so close to anybody. It was as if they were one being, together, not predator and prey, but partners in a dance. Poppy-and-James. — L.J.Smith

Poppy had known for years that she was going to marry him. It was one of her two great ambitions, the other being to see the world. She just hadn't gotten around to informing James yet. — L.J.Smith

It doesn't matter if you can't say it right now. I'll say it for both of us. And someday you'll learn. — L.J.Smith

I can awaken things inside you that have been sleeping all your life. You're strong enough to live in the dark, to glory in it. You can become a queen of the shadows. Why not take that power, Elena? Let me help you take it. — L.J.Smith

When a caterpillar changes into a butterfly it loses it's caterpillar life. — L.J.Smith

Julian: She's very strong, you know. Much too good for you.
Tom: I know. But she's a thousand times too good for you. — L.J.Smith

She let herself fall backwards into the music, and it was like falling in a dream, without fear.
It was like being a raindrop falling into the ocean that had started you. — L.J.Smith

I'm sorry Elena. I know that you want to help, but put yourself in her shoes, everything that happened tonight was to save you and that's OK because she loves you so much. But somehow she's always the one who gets hurt. — L.J.Smith

She had seen those eyes dark with brooding anger and cold as ice, she'd seen his gaze veiled like a spiderweb and shattering like a gate under pressure. But she'd never seen them as they were now. Full of wondering joy and disbelief, and an almost frightened awe. — L.J.Smith

You'll be mine before the next snow flies. — L.J.Smith

But Mary-Lynnette was thinking. Of course she'd like to find somebody who would accept her completely, who would share everything with her. — L.J.Smith

There is nothing frightening in the dark if you just face it. — L.J.Smith

It was as if the normal veil that separated two people had melted. — L.J.Smith

Days are precious, dinna lose them. Flo'ers will fade and so will ye... Come to me, ye fair young maidens. While young and fair ye still may be. — L.J.Smith

Audrey: I was wet.
Michael: Sweat.
Audrey: I don't sweat.
Michael: Well, ladylike perspiration, then. — L.J.Smith

Nothing that's worth anything is ever simple. That's what makes it worth it — L.J.Smith

There's nothing to read into. I'm just here to collect my beloved Damon and Stefan is just helping me. — L.J.Smith

And of course there are the people whose energy fields are too strong," he said with a sly look at Rob. "You know, the people you agree with even when you don't know why. The ones that put you under a spell with their charisma-their energy just knocks you out. — L.J.Smith

You showed me what it was like to love. What the world could be like, if — L.J.Smith

Listen to me, Jez. There's no reason for you to die-"
Wood ... poison."
No it isn't! Not to humans. And you're half human. You're vampire enough to survie something that would kill a human, but you're human enough not to be poisoned by wood. — L.J.Smith

And then the swelling thing burst.
There was, to Damon, a palpable if not audible crack as the stone encasing his soul burst open and a great piece fell away. — L.J.Smith

I love you," she said. "You made me fall in love with you. I don't care how tall you are or what color your hair is-I care about you. You make me laugh. You're smart. You're gentle. And you're real, you're a real person, not some jock with a facade that's going to fall apart when I get to know him. I know you already, and I love you, you idiot. I don't care what you do with toilet paper. — L.J.Smith

I love you, she told him.
I love you, Kait. From the very beginning. — L.J.Smith

Each night I lie and dream about the one
Who kissed me and awakened my desire
I spent a single hour with him alone
And since that hour, my days are layed with fire. — L.J.Smith

Some instinct older than civilization was telling her to run, to flee.
She didn't move. — L.J.Smith

Why do people always assume that volume will succeed when logic won't? - Damon — L.J.Smith

It means that there's only one love for everyone who exists. And when you meet that love, you know them. You know you were meant to be together, and nothing can keep you apart. — L.J.Smith

Let bygones be bygones — L.J.Smith

Everything he was, he gave to her. — L.J.Smith

Just admit it, Elena. You're attracted to Damon and all his bad boy glory- Caroline Forbes — L.J.Smith

I don't need him to comfort me or tell me it's okay.
I can make it okay, myself.
Maybe that was what happened when you faced the very worst thing in the world.
She'd lost her family and her old life and maybe even her childhood, but she'd found herself.
And that would have to do. — L.J.Smith

It was only then that she realized, that she remembered, what the true danger in this was. Only then that she understood what Gabriel had meant by his warnings.
Because she could feel what he felt. And along with the gratitude, the sheer satisfaction and relief, were other emotions. Appreciation, joy, wonder, and-oh, dear God, love ...
Gabriel loved her. — L.J.Smith

I love you Stefan, never let that go. — L.J.Smith

Nothing really dies as long as it's not forgotten — L.J.Smith

The Henderson brothers never fell for a girl before, but they dont't know if they're on their heads or their feet anymore. I think they're going to make you a pipe bomb for Christmas. — L.J.Smith

And Meredith and Bonnie, who's going to bend some spoons for us next. I'm going to throw you down a rope ... that is, unless Bonnie can levitate you out. — L.J.Smith

Ash? Get bent and die. — L.J.Smith

Maybe there was a magic stronger than spells. Maybe the soulmate principle was responsible, and if two people were meant to be together, nothing could keep them apart. — L.J.Smith

It was a little awkward, lining up to get the position right. Mary-Lynnette had never kissed a boy before. But once she started she found it was simple.
And ... now she saw what the electric feeling of being soulmates was for. All the sensations she'd felt when touching his hand, only intensified. And not unpleasant. It was only unpleasant if you were afraid of it. — L.J.Smith

Get away from my brother." - Damon — L.J.Smith

Damon: Come back as a vampire and I will stake you myself cause I can't stand the idea of you hating me forever.
Elena: Witches are supposed to maintain the balance of nature. It's your duty to them. To keep this curse sealed. — L.J.Smith

I wasn't afraid to die. But, as odd as it was after our years of fighting, I was afraid to live in a world without Damon. My brother was callous, rude, and destructive. And yet he had saved me on more than one occasion during our time in London. He was the one on whom I could count when no one else could be trusted. He was all I had. — L.J.Smith

I love you, Elena. And it's because I love you that I can't be selfish with you. I don't deserve you, but my brother does.-Damon Salvatore, S2 — L.J.Smith

en garde, Julian. It's not over till it's over. — L.J.Smith

You turned your back on me when I needed you. — L.J.Smith

I've thought that 'Soulmate' in the 'Night World' series would make a really nice TV-movie or just a movie. — L.J.Smith

And then it was all happening, what had started to happen at least twice before. Feelings so sweet and strong she could hardly bear it. Strange recognition, unexpected belonging ... impossible knowing ... — L.J.Smith

Because God help us all if, I ever fall in love with another human ... — L.J.Smith

And in the mean time I'll fight dragons, just like any knight for his lady. — L.J.Smith

Jenny looked up quickly. "Do you believe in good and evil?"
"Oh, yes. Very strongly. And I believe that evil sometimes has to be fought - personally. Hand to hand. If you care enough to do it. — L.J.Smith

She couldn't help thinking, even now about how handsome Damon looked, how wild and dark and ferocious and gorgeous. She could help thinking about the times he'd smiled at her, laughed at her, come to save her at her urgent call. She had honestly thought that someday ... But now she felt as if her heart were breaking in two. — L.J.Smith

Yes she met with a slight accident involving a stake." Ash said "funny how that happens sometimes ... — L.J.Smith

It's all right," Jeanne was yelling. "Yeah, you heard me, it's all right! Delos isn't dangerous. Not to us, anyway. Come on, you, get out of there! What are you doing hiding behind that pig? — L.J.Smith

He lied, Jenny thought, racing up the steps. He changed the rules and he lied. Sometimes you can't return good for evil; sometimes evil simply has to be stopped. — L.J.Smith

Julian: What's black inside, white outside, and hot?
Jenny: What?
Julian: A wolf in sheep's clothing.
Jenny: Is that what you are?
Julian: Me? No, I'm a wolf in wolf's clothing. — L.J.Smith

No, I'll dream another dream," he said. "I've made up so many things, now I'll just go into one. I'll be part of it. — L.J.Smith

Because she could feel what he felt. And along with the gratitude, the sheer satisfaction and relief, were other emotions. Appreciation, joy, wonder, and-oh, dear God, LOVE ...
Gabriel loved her.
She could see herself in his mind, an image so cloaked in glamourand ethereal grace that she could scarcely recognize it. A girl with red-gold hair like a meteor trail and smokey-blue eyes with strange rings in them. An exotic creature that burned like an eager flame. More witch than human.
Kaitlyn — L.J.Smith

You can't just go out-
No, I'll dream another dream. — L.J.Smith

It's not wrong to hustle hustlers. It's like killing murderers, a public service. -Damon Salvatore — L.J.Smith

can never have what you really want — L.J.Smith

The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them. — L.J.Smith

Rob smiled his slow, infectious smile-and suddenly everything was all right. — L.J.Smith

I don't know how to make Harper and Alloy want me, not just my name. — L.J.Smith

Something was shining on Damon's face. She reached toward it, touched it, and lifted her fingers away in wonder.
"Don't be sad," she told him, feeling the cool wetness on her fingertips. But a pang of worry disturbed her. Who was there to understand Damon now? Who would be there to push him, to try to see what was really inside him? "You have to take care of each other," she said, realizing it. A little strength came back to her, like a candle flaring in the wind. "Stefan, will you promise? Promise to take care of each other? — L.J.Smith

Elena startled both of them by flying up so quickly that Stefan had to grab her by the waist to keep her from shooting toward the ceiling.
I thought you had gravity!"
So did I! What do I do?"
Think heavy thoughts!"
What if it doesn't work?"
We'll buy you an anchor! — L.J.Smith

If I don't want to be seen, you don't see me. — L.J.Smith

Aphrodite just kept smiling.
Because she was just doing what a goddess does-the same way that a tornado rips houses apart or a fire burns down a forest. — L.J.Smith

Okay, Caroline said. She didn't sound as frightened as everybody else. That was the advantage to having no imagination, Bonnie thought. You couldn't picture the terrible things that were going to happen to you. — L.J.Smith

She wasn't afraid of him anymore. They weren't a centuries-old hunter and a seventeen-year-old human girl, sitting here at the edge of the world. They were just two people, Damon and Bonnie, who had to do the best they could. — L.J.Smith

She belongs to me, he sent out on a heavy wave of Power and on all frequencies, including the one the scream had come on. It might not be obvious, but she is mine. Touch her again and die. — L.J.Smith

Oh, all right, you big baby," she said. "If you really want it. I should have gotten you a rattle and a pacifier, too. — L.J.Smith

Even if we're not together, we'll never really be apart. — L.J.Smith

She was the one who was supposed to have walked with him through different lives, being born and loving and dying and being born again. They'd been born for each other, to help each other grow and blossom and discover and evolve. — L.J.Smith

You don't need right - if you have strength — L.J.Smith

The worms were beautifully drawn, with their nervous systems and reproductive organs shaded in different colors of highlighter, but the artist had also given them big goofy smiling faces. Grotesque but lovable in a cross-eyed way. — L.J.Smith

"I don't know; Killers are sort of romantic. Imagine your dying with his hands around his throat. He'd strangle the life out of you, and the last thing you would see would be his face." — L.J.Smith

And then it was all so simple and natural. As if they both knew what to do without thinking-as if they'd always known what to do. — L.J.Smith

Whatever. I just won't have Elena hurt, is all. Or the little red-headed witch."
"Ah, yes, sweet Bonnie. I wouldn't mind one or two like her. One for Samhain and one for the Solstice."
Damon snorted drowsily. "There aren't two like her; I don't care where you look. I won't have her hurt either. — L.J.Smith

She started walking again. "Are you saying you didn't even want to be with her? Not even just a little?"
He stopped. "How could I want to be with her when I want to be with you? I told you that before this whole thing started. — L.J.Smith

But where Katherine was a white kitten, Elena was a white tigress. — L.J.Smith

You didn't feed from her," he said, and this was not a question.
"Swill poison? Not my kind of fun, little brother."
One corner of Stefan's mouth quirked up. He made no response to this, but simply looked at Damon with eyes that were ... knowing. Damon bridled.
"I told the truth!"
"Going to take it up as a hobby? — L.J.Smith

I have never been in love before," Julian said. "You're my first-and you'll be my only. — L.J.Smith