Kristine Grayson Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Kristine Grayson.
Famous Quotes By Kristine Grayson

He felt overwelmed when he thought of all the books he hadn't read, all the books he wanted to read, and all the books he would want to read. Not to mention all the books that he hadn't heard of.
Those dismayed him the most. — Kristine Grayson

Women's fiction is just a marketing category, designed to appeal more to women than to men. But there are stories in that category that any human being would like. — Kristine Grayson

It is the mess that readers love. The fact that sometimes the people who love us the most aren't people we're related to, but people who join our family later. The book acknowledges how difficult family relationship are, and this fuss just proves it. — Kristine Grayson

He rolled his eyes. "Fiction lies for the truth. — Kristine Grayson

Fiction is very, very important," he said, his voice is rising. "Storytelling is how people learn. You get people to understand new cultures and other lives through stories. Made-up stories. Fiction. — Kristine Grayson

He must have seen her shock, because he said, You can't defeat the power of the book. But you can make it work for you. — Kristine Grayson