Kevin Ashton Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 32 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Kevin Ashton.
Famous Quotes By Kevin Ashton

intrinsic motivation is the only motivation. Inspirational lightning bolts are external - they come from without and are beyond our control. — Kevin Ashton

societies revere creation in public and then reject it in private, creators are surprised and wonder what they did wrong. — Kevin Ashton

Creators spend almost all their time creating, persevering despite doubt, failure, ridicule, and rejection until they succeed in making something new and useful. There are no tricks, shortcuts, or get-creative-quick schemes. The process is ordinary, even if the outcome is not. Creating is not magic but work. — Kevin Ashton

Intellectually secure people do not need to show anyone how smart they are. They are empirical and seek truth. Intellectually insecure people need to show everyone how smart they are. They are egotistical and seek triumph. — Kevin Ashton

author" meant "father," from the Latin word for "master," auctor. Auctor-ship implied authority, something that, in most of the world, had been the divine right of kings and religious leaders since Gilgamesh ruled Uruk four thousand years earlier. It was not to be shared with mere mortals. An "inventor," from invenire, "find," was a discoverer, not a creator, until the 1550s. "Credit," from credo, "trust," did not mean "acknowledgment" until the late sixteenth century. — Kevin Ashton

Creation is not a moment of inspiration but a lifetime of endurance. The drawers of the world are full of things begun. Unfinished sketches, pieces of invention, incomplete product ideas, notebooks with half-formulated hypotheses, abandoned patents, partial manuscripts. Creating is more monotony than adventure. It is early mornings and late nights: long hours doing work that will likely fail or be deleted or erased - a process without progress that must be repeated daily for years. Beginning is hard, but continuing is harder. Those who seek a glamorous life should not pursue art, science, innovation, invention, or anything else that needs new. Creation is a long journey where most turns are wrong and most ends are dead. The most important thing creators do is work. The most important thing they don't do is quit. The — Kevin Ashton

they realized that all the published data was wrong - "little better than guesswork" - they had also discovered what knowledge was needed to design wings that would fly. — Kevin Ashton

Creation demands belief beyond reason. — Kevin Ashton

how to achieve a reasonable synthesis between the forces that drive a person to seek individual expression and those that drive him to comply with the wishes of others. — Kevin Ashton

Creating is an ordinary act, creation its extraordinary outcome. — Kevin Ashton

Saying no", argues the author Kevin Ashton, "has more creative power than ideas, insights and talent combined. No guards time, the thread from which we weave our creations. The math of time is simple: you have less than you think and need more than you know. — Kevin Ashton

But all the good outcomes make the truth obvious: the more we create, the less we destroy. — Kevin Ashton

We are all social chameleons, adjusting our skin to blend in with, or sometimes stand out from, whatever crowd we happen to be in. — Kevin Ashton

If your idea succeeds, everybody says you're persistent. If it doesn't succeed, you're stubborn. — Kevin Ashton

His rap was fluid, on time, and in tune. He ad-libbed - or "freestyled" - using a range of poetic tricks, from rhyme and repetition to assonance and alliteration: — Kevin Ashton

Saying "no" has more creative power than ideas, insights and talent combined ... — Kevin Ashton

New tools make new societies. — Kevin Ashton

When you bring something truly new to the world, brace. Having an impact is not usually a pleasant experience. Sometimes the hardest part of creating is not having an idea but saving an idea, ideally while also saving yourself. — Kevin Ashton

Having ideas is not the same thing as being creative. Creation is execution, not inspiration. — Kevin Ashton

Creating is to humans as flying is to birds. It is our nature, our spirit. — Kevin Ashton

You couldn't sit in a room and wait for your muse to come and tickle you. Monday morning came, there was a dress rehearsal Thursday, you had to get that thing written. And it was grueling, but you learned to write. — Kevin Ashton

The art of new, and perhaps the art of happiness, is not absolute victory for either new or old but balance between them. Birds do not defy gravity or let it bind them to the ground. They use it to fly. — Kevin Ashton

Make an enemy of certainty and befriend doubt. When you can change your mind, you can change anything. — Kevin Ashton

The most creative organizations prioritize rituals of doing; the least creative organizations prioritize rituals of saying, — Kevin Ashton

The business students who build a ten-inch tower would have built a twenty-seven-inch tower when they were in kindergarten. Where did those extra seventeen inches go? What happened to the students in the intervening years? The business students, like most of the rest of us, lost a lot of their capacity to cooperate. — Kevin Ashton

Minds do not leap. Observation, evaluation, and iteration, not sudden shifts of perception, solve problems and lead us to creation. — Kevin Ashton

The secret of Steve was that he was never satisfied. He devoted his life to asking, "Why doesn't it work?" and "What should I change to make it work? — Kevin Ashton

But Sales + Customers = Nothing Broken is a formula for corporate cyanide. — Kevin Ashton

A species that survives by creating must not limit who can create. More creators means more creations. Equality brings justice to some and wealth to all. — Kevin Ashton