Kelli Maine Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Kelli Maine.
Famous Quotes By Kelli Maine

He ran his hand over his chest and stopped above his heart where a black tattoo of an ornate skeleton key was inked on his skin.She had its other half-a lock in the shape of a heart with a keyhole in the center-tattooed on her lower stomach beside her right hip bone. Laying on top of her, he'd slide down to kiss her breasts and their two tattoos would come together. Lock and key. — Kelli Maine

I know my dreams will be of you, and I'm not sure how I'll stay away from you in the morning. — Kelli Maine

I can't stop shaking. I need you. I want you. I can't let myself have you. — Kelli Maine