Keith Buckley Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 13 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Keith Buckley.
Famous Quotes By Keith Buckley
There really was no point in having vision that didn't revolve a full 360 degrees because it was usually from behind that life would sneak up and overtake you. — Keith Buckley
Look, I know you think I have a coke problem but I do not. I can quit any time I run out. — Keith Buckley
If I could bottle this exact feeling I have right now, and sell it, I'd make millions." I said to Chet
"Well, unfortunately for you, but luckily for every other adult, someone already has. They called it alcohol. — Keith Buckley
If one is fooled by magic, then isn't the magic as good as real? — Keith Buckley
A fire only spreads away from it's source, it never returns. — Keith Buckley
There was no plan for us. We are a misspelling being erased by Death in order for the story of total chaos to continue. — Keith Buckley
Love is unmistakable and nobody loves you like the one who waits. — Keith Buckley
I never disliked humanity more than when I watched how indifferently they reacted to creation — Keith Buckley
Memorizing the writer's handbook doesn't make you a writer. It makes you a specialist, and it puts you to a class with people who were given the same training. You all share the same view from the same room. — Keith Buckley
Your real name is a mortal name. Now you need one that is immortal, the one that takes the high stage and plays above the rest. You can't be immortal and mortal at the same time. — Keith Buckley
Go get your gun because God won't show.
He sent a poet instead.
The Don Quixote of the ICU. Quite impressive for a cripple. Munchhausen by proxy of a muse.
Tempt not a desperate man. This split lip is for you. I traded it for an outdated tooth. — Keith Buckley
If they knew what you had done to them, if they knew how you had denied them, forgotten them, buried them, they could not ever love like they once did and the cruelest thing you can do to someone is to share the rot and rob them of the glorious mystery of being in love because faith in it is really all anyone ever has to know. — Keith Buckley
But now what was I worth? The books I discovered at the behest of my intellectually superior professors are now coming to me thanks to an algorithm developed to suggest what I should buy based on what other similar shoppers have also bought... — Keith Buckley