Kaylea Cross Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 62 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Kaylea Cross.
Famous Quotes By Kaylea Cross

What about Andrews? He doing any better? She spotted him near the entrance of the hangar, talking to one of the Afghan locals who worked as a janitor. The guys rarely talked to her — Kaylea Cross

Xang Xu, the name read beneath his picture. Wanted for computer fraud and various other cyber crimes. By the freaking FBI and god — Kaylea Cross

The muscles in his arms and back trembled as he pushed in as deep as he could go, until all of him was buried inside her. His head sagged and a deep, primitive snarl ripped free. Sparks of light exploded behind her tightly closed lids. His hands burrowed into her hair, holding her head still while he kissed her hard and deep and wild. Then he began to move. Hard, steady strokes that ignited every nerve ending in her body. — Kaylea Cross

(Devon) "Cam - you're killing me," she quavered, pressing her head back into the pillow and praying for patience. Her heart was pounding.
"I'm loving you," he corrected in a hot whisper, then took her nipple deep into his mouth as his palm brushed over the damp lace covering her core. — Kaylea Cross

Celida stood on the top step next to the door with Evers and his girlfriend Rachel. Bauer, three days post-op after his spinal surgery, was there too, talking to Zoe. The rest of his teammates were inside already, along with DeLuca and Travers. It meant the world to him that the guys had come out to pay their respects today. — Kaylea Cross

But Celida's presence meant more to him than anything. — Kaylea Cross

In the gap she'd opened, a foot appeared. Small. Unmoving. The little boy. Stricken, she sat immobile for a split second, mind refusing to acknowledge what was right in front of her eyes. A wail of grief tore from her throat and she clawed at the surrounding rubble, exposing more of the crushed body. Hard hands closed around her shoulders, — Kaylea Cross

She gasped and jerked in her seat as a sudden hot, searing pain tore across the top of her right hipbone, the impact of the bullet throwing her off balance. — Kaylea Cross

Glimpse of the naked fear on his face before she was dragged past him toward her death. — Kaylea Cross

She came face to face with Luke. Illuminated by the ghastly orange light of the flames, the look in his eyes should have scared the hell out of her, but she was beyond reason. He shook her once, hard, making her head snap back. "Get out of here, now." He shoved her toward Dec. With a cry of outrage, she lashed out at Luke with — Kaylea Cross

She was only a couple years older than him, maybe thirty-three or thirty-four, but she had this way of making him feel dumb and confused all at the same time, and without any effort on her part. Maybe because she had a law — Kaylea Cross

All I know is, I want to go to bed with you every night and wake up beside you every morning. — Kaylea Cross

They knew what gunfire meant better than anyone. Some were crying by the time they reached the exit and stepped outside into the afternoon air. The sun was already descending in the sky, leaving shadows crawling across the valley floor. Not daring to look behind her, Khalia's eyes fixed on her target, the emergency bunker. Across the expanse of lush green grass before her, the beckoning hillside seemed impossibly far away. A warning prickle began at her nape, as if someone had her in their sights and was taking aim at her. More shots erupted from the hills behind them. The lead group broke — Kaylea Cross

Holding her steady as he kissed her, Cam caressed back and forth over her nipple, swallowing her cries while he rubbed the length of his cock between her open thighs. He could come right now, just from doing this. Just from the incredible heat and feel of her, and knowing she wanted him so much. She was so goddamn soft and responsive. He'd always known it would be like this with her. Hot and explosive and so damn good it ripped away the civilized part of him to expose the raw, dominant hunger inside. — Kaylea Cross

You were so brave, baby," he whispered, his voice rough. "So — Kaylea Cross

He forced air into his lungs, willed his heart to slow down. — Kaylea Cross

He looked up, expecting to see a couple of EMTs bearing down on him with a stretcher, but his heart stuttered when the crowd shifted and Celida appeared. She stopped dead when she saw him, both hands flying up to cover her mouth and nose. Then she dropped her hands and raced toward him, dark ponytail streaming behind her. He watched her face crumple a second before she reached him and a different kind of pain lit up in his chest. Beat up as he was, there was no way he couldn't reach for her. He held out his — Kaylea Cross

A couple of them even knew he was hung up on her. Namely Evers and Bauer. — Kaylea Cross

The four pieces of rope tied to the brass frame, coated with blood. Her blood. — Kaylea Cross

Sam ... "
"What?" she whispered.
"Tell me what to do to fix it."
She shook her head and closed her eyes as though she couldn't bear to see him. "You can't fix it."
He had to. Failure here was not an option. "Let me try. — Kaylea Cross

How many times do I have to say I'm sorry before you believe it? That I acknowledge I made a terrible mistake and have done everything I know how to fix it? How can you just freeze me out after that and walk away from everything we had?"
Hurt and resentment swelled inside him, mixing with the anger in a toxic, chaotic mess. "You walked away first," he shot back. "That was your choice." Then I made mine. It was a low blow, even if it was true. But he refused to feel guilty about it, even under the circumstances. He hadn't wanted to have this conversation, but she'd insisted, and he wouldn't lie to her about the way things stood.
Honor's chin came up, her tears evaporating as her eyes sparked with fresh anger. "I did," she admitted quietly, her control merely emphasizing the loss of his own. "I did walk away and it was the absolute worst mistake of my life. I'm sorry, Liam. See? I'm a big enough person to admit it to your face. Are you? — Kaylea Cross

Her. Her eyes were locked to where he was rubbing — Kaylea Cross

Bryn took off running. Her thigh muscles bunched as she scrambled down the rise, breath coming in jerky gasps. The ill-fitting helmet jiggled up and down, obscuring her vision, so she yanked at the chinstrap and shoved the thing off her head. And kept running. She had to get there before the air strike. Had to save the kids. "Bryn!" Ignoring Dec's shout, she sprinted hard, fueled by adrenaline. Bouncing off rocks and boulders, she reached the road and scrambled to her feet, breath sawing in and out of her lungs in sobs. She could not let innocent children be caught up in this. "Bryn, no!" She ignored him. The children weren't stopping. She opened her mouth and screamed the Arabic word for stop. It came out in a high-pitched wail, and both children jerked around to face her in fear. "Stop! Go back!" she yelled, waving her arms in a frantic effort to get them to move. "Run! — Kaylea Cross

At least then I could have grieved and learned to live with the loss eventually. But having you leave when I knew damn well you still loved me? How the hell was I supposed to live with that loss? — Kaylea Cross

Isn't about words or beliefs. It's about actions. Going ahead with this even though you're afraid, especially — Kaylea Cross

No!" She couldn't bear this. Couldn't live with it. — Kaylea Cross

He'd hated being separated from her in the aftermath of something so traumatic but he'd had no choice. When — Kaylea Cross

Only a matter of time before you wind up dead. Given what and who — Kaylea Cross

Coming back on base always felt a little bit like coming home — Kaylea Cross

Tightening his arms, he dropped his head and pressed his face against the side of her neck to inhale her delicate scent. The instant he did, a sharp gasp tore out of her, her slender body rippling with a shiver as the sexual energy arced between them. Cam couldn't help but groan and gather her closer, nuzzling the velvety skin beneath her ear.
She lifted her face, and took him off guard by kissing him full on the lips. Hard and fast, the gesture so full of hunger it made him ache. — Kaylea Cross

Would he still want her as much by then? What if their connection was this intense because of the current circumstances, and it faded while they were apart? Would he move on without her? Go back to the lineup of available women he had to choose from? Absence made the heart grow fonder. But it could also make it wander. She'd been on the receiving end of that one once already. She didn't want to go through that again with Nathan. — Kaylea Cross

Gathering her courage, she swallowed past the lump in her throat and held his gaze. It wasn't how she'd envisioned telling him, but she couldn't let him go without saying the words. "I'm falling in love with you."
The smile died, his amused expression dissolving into shock. "What?"
"Yeah. So you have to come back so I can finish the job."
A jumble of emotions swirled in the blue depths of his eyes as he stared at her. Then he broke into a wide smile and brought a hand up to cradle her cheek. "I'm coming back, sweetheart. I wouldn't miss that chance for the world. — Kaylea Cross

Two shadowy figures had appeared in the distance. A young girl led a donkey by its halter, chattering to a child perched on its swaying back. What in God's name were they doing out alone at night? They headed down the dirt road straight toward the house where Tehrazzi was apparently holed up. Every muscle in her body went rigid with denial. "Oh no ... " Had Dec heard the kids? Did he know they were in danger? Could he alert the children before the air strike? Not if he hadn't seen them. What should she do? She was too afraid to yell out in case someone started shooting, but no way could she sit back and let those children suffer. The breath shot in and out of her nose as she counted backward from ten, praying Dec would do something so she wouldn't have to. Ten, nine, eight ... The little boy laughed. Bryn squeezed her eyes — Kaylea Cross

(Devon) "Cam, what's wrong?"
He cursed and held her tighter. "Help me," he rasped.
Her senses dizzy from the scent and feel of him, it took a few moments for the words to register. She stroked her fingers through his thick, soft hair. "Help you?"
His head moved against her hand, as much a show of helpless pleasure as it was a nod. "Help me slow down."
She shook her head. "I don't want you to slow down - "
"I want to be gentle," he said roughly, his warm breath tickling her neck. "But I'm so fucking turned on right now all I can think about is pounding into you. — Kaylea Cross

As badass as they came. Why the hell wouldn't he just tell her whether he was interested or not, — Kaylea Cross

Her lungs felt scorched, her face singed as she struggled to her hands and knees, fighting hysteria, the concussion of the blast driving the breath from her. The house was nothing more than a pile of burning rubble. She couldn't see the children. Where were they? Maybe they'd been far enough away from the explosion. Maybe they were still alive. She had to find them. Her legs wobbled under her as she staggered to — Kaylea Cross

No one's ever going to hurt you again, Taya. Not on my watch." There was no defense in the world that could protect her heart from him when he said things like that. Angling her head up, she cupped the back of his head and lifted up to give him a soft, lingering kiss. Just being near him made her feel safe, stronger. He reminded her of how hard she'd fought to live, how hard she'd battled to take back control over her life.
"You're making it really hard for me not to fall for you," she murmured against his lips. One side of his mouth kicked up as he lifted his head, his eyes glowing with a possessive light that thrilled her.
"Good," was all he said. — Kaylea Cross

I'm sorry you got dragged into this." He waved a hand to indicate he meant the house, the entire situation. "Having to stay here, with me, when you should be home with your family." A pang of homesickness hit her as she thought of her parents and how disappointed they'd been that her leave had been "cancelled". That wasn't his fault though.
To ease his concern, she put on a smile. "Yeah, but hey, I could've done way worse in terms of roommates." She gave his leg a playful nudge with her hand.
His eyes warmed at her words and touch. The firelight brought out the deep bronze undertones in his hair, flickering in tones of gold and orange. She wanted to run her fingers through it to find out if it was as soft as it looked.
He shook his head slightly at her, looking amused. "Why'd you have to be so sweet?"
She shrugged and countered, "Why'd you have to be so damned good looking? — Kaylea Cross

Ben didn't disappoint. "See? You lost it and lived to tell about it." His voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "You even survived a man hug." He rounded his eyes in feigned astonishment.
Wiping at his puffy eyes with his fingers, a watery laugh escaped him. "You always were an affectionate little shit. — Kaylea Cross

When Zoe didn't answer he glanced over to find her watching him with an almost pitying expression. He shot her a scowl. Obviously she didn't realize that SEALs didn't deal well with pity. — Kaylea Cross

She knew he was as attracted to her as she was to him, yet he wouldn't go there. Not even once they'd stopped — Kaylea Cross

Guys said you did good today." He made a face. He'd done his job, nothing more. God knew he'd have taken on any threat to protect Taya. "Wish I'd been able to get more out of the bastard before he went to his seventy-two virgin dating service in the sky. — Kaylea Cross

Body and heart wide open, trusting him to be gentle and cherish her with his much stronger body. Recognizing what a gift that was, he kissed her tenderly in reassurance, fighting back the need raging inside him. — Kaylea Cross

Radicalism was like a cancer, metastasizing around the globe until every country was infected by it. — Kaylea Cross

You're stuck with me."
She sniffled. "Promise?"
He rested his forehead against hers. "Cross my heart. — Kaylea Cross

Jake stayed right next to her, his hold at once protective and possessive. There was no doubt in her mind that she loved this man. "How did you get it?" She didn't — Kaylea Cross

He'd never felt this protective of a woman before. Only she brought that out in him. That powerful, odd mixture of independence and vulnerability completely melted him.
The fact that she flew a Black Hawk and could talk shop with the best of them? Hot as hell. And her laugh. God, she had the dirtiest laugh he'd ever heard. Every time he heard it he thought of sex. Hot, sweaty sex, the kind that left a man exhausted and weak and his partner unable to move. — Kaylea Cross

Yeah." The anger and shock were fading, replaced by an awful helplessness that felt a whole lot worse. "I can't believe anyone would hurt her like that." He looked up at him. "Honest to God, Nate, she's a sweetheart. How in hell could someone do that to her? — Kaylea Cross

He'd done it like he did everything else - with passion and total disregard for how much it might embarrass her. — Kaylea Cross

Thanks for calling. Be safe and I can't wait to see you."
"Hang tight, sweetheart. I'll be with you in spirit tomorrow and watching over you from close by."
Her throat tightened. His words gave her additional strength to take into the courtroom with her. — Kaylea Cross

The sight of them in chains soothed her, but didn't take the — Kaylea Cross

I miss him," she whispered, her voice cracking.
His heart constricted at the grief on her face. "I know, honey." He lifted a hand to stroke the soft waves of her hair. A soothing, reassuring gesture, but to him it meant so much more. His muscles knotted with the need to cup her face between his hands and kiss her the way he'd been dying to for so long. He wanted to kiss away the sadness and the grief, replace it with the heat and tenderness burning inside him. — Kaylea Cross

She (Candace) straightened her spine and shot him (Ryan) a warning glare. "You know what? You just reminded me why I don't like you."
He grinned like he got a giant kick out of needling her. Or maybe it was her response that he found funny. "Well I like you."
"That's because I'm not rude and obnoxious."
"Well there is that. But I think it's mostly to do with the fact that I'm standing here breathing because of you."
"Ah. So gratitude makes you rude? I'll have to remember that if I'm in the area next time you get in a tight spot. — Kaylea Cross

In the flickering lantern light, she looked like an avenging angel standing there. Her hair was a tangled mess and her face was swollen to hell, but her hand was rock steady on that weapon, even with the pain she had to be in. The deadly intent was clear on her face. — Kaylea Cross

Dirty. Would he end up like Luke if he stayed in the Teams long enough? Only to wake up one day and not recognize the man staring back at him in the mirror? The thump of the inbound helo's rotors saved him — Kaylea Cross

Truth was, he was sitting on the floor only partly because he was more used to that, but more because it gave him an excuse not to have to sit close to her. If anything he was more attracted to her with every hour that passed, rather than leveling off. He'd been telling himself he was hot for her simply because it was a natural reaction for a man who'd been without a woman for four years to want one as beautiful as her, especially when they were staying alone in a house together. But if he was honest it was way more than physical attraction. Erin was kind and brave and sweet. She made him simultaneously want to gather her up in his arms to protect her and pin her to the nearest flat surface and kiss her until she melted and wrapped around him. — Kaylea Cross

He held her gaze, let everything he felt for her show in his eyes. "Love you, darlin'." She rewarded him with a tremulous smile and reached up to touch his face. "Show me. — Kaylea Cross

Her body didn't give a damn that he was all wrong for her, it wanted him anyway. Badly. Either oblivious of or not wanting to encourage the attraction between them, Wade looked down at his mug as though he wasn't comfortable holding her gaze at such close range, and took a sip. As he swallowed, one side of his mouth curved up and he let out an appreciative groan that seemed to reverberate right through her, heating her blood. Startled, she drank in the almost dreamy expression on his angular face and imagined that same look right after he'd enjoyed an intensely satisfying orgasm. Erin couldn't be positive, but if his reaction to a simple cup of coffee made him groan like that, she was pretty sure it had been a while since he'd had one of those, too. And man, the idea of being the one to end his dry spell was way too freaking hot for her own good. — Kaylea Cross

Want to feel you come," she murmured. "Want you to mark me." The answering growl he made sent a primal shiver through her. He nibbled at the side of her neck. "Say you're mine." She smiled at his possessiveness and arched her neck. "I'm yours. Make me yours." "All mine," he muttered, his arms locked tight around her and then he took her hard and fast. — Kaylea Cross

The confusion part was compounded when he found himself looking at her without meaning to, or watching her for longer than was considered polite. She'd caught him doing it a few times too, but had never called him on it. Which was good. She wasn't his type, not even close, and checking her out made him feel creepy considering she was like Tuck's little sister rather — Kaylea Cross

I'm falling in love with you, Nathan."
At her words he groaned and wrapped both arms around her, holding her to his heart.
"Sweetheart, I'm right there with you. And I swear I'll catch you if you'll trust me enough to let yourself fall the rest of the way."
She smiled, kissed the center of his chest where his heart beat strong and steady beneath her lips.
"I do trust you." He'd earned her trust in giving him her heart, as well her body. — Kaylea Cross