Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Katriena Knights.
Famous Quotes By Katriena Knights
"The world's not perfect,but somethings in it are,and when we find them, we need not to let them go — Katriena Knights
Famous Quotes
All believers share a common life in Christ, whether or not we recognize it. We are in fellowship with literally thousands of believers from every nation of the world. Although we have never met most of them, we are in fellowship with them. We disagree with many of them over various issues of faith and practice, yet we are still members of the same body. Even though we struggle to like some of them, that does not alter the fact that we share together a common life in Christ. Neither our attitudes nor our actions affect this objective sense of koinonia. We are in community with all other believers, whether or not we like it or even recognize the fact." Author: Jerry Bridges