Kathryn Tucker Windham Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Kathryn Tucker Windham.
Famous Quotes By Kathryn Tucker Windham

I think we need to be put back in touch with our childhood ... to be reminded of what's important, like memories about people we loved, or things that happened to us that affected our lives, things we can laugh about and shed a few tears about ... I think storytelling is a way of saying 'I love you. I love you enough to tell you something that means a great deal to me.' — Kathryn Tucker Windham

It had never once occurred to me that the paper I wanted to work for would not want me. Certainly I never expected to be rejected solely because I was a girl! — Kathryn Tucker Windham

Many people avoid talking about death, but it never bothered me. The principal of my high school was an excellent teacher. One day he was writing on the blackboard when he suddenly turned around and said 'Life is a great adventure and death is the greatest adventure of all,' then went back to the board. I have never feared death since then. — Kathryn Tucker Windham