Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Kate Andersen Brower.
Famous Quotes By Kate Andersen Brower
But most accounts agree that the residence workers' devotion to President George H. W. Bush was more than customary - it was genuine, almost profound. The Bushes were generally easy to please, and the residence workers found themselves quickly at ease with them. — Kate Andersen Brower
Famous Quotes
The exit from agony is always there. The tunnel out of the agony sector is always in front of you and yet you don't take it. You don't take it by choice. You want to indulge a lot and be in pain. The easiest way out is to write a list of what you're grateful for. If everybody literally did that before they went to bed at night, there'd be no unhappy people." Author: Jim Carrey