Karlyle Tomms Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 25 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Karlyle Tomms.
Famous Quotes By Karlyle Tomms

But selfishness can take on many disguises. It can also be about defending and trying to prove your own belief system while denying there could be value in the beliefs of others. — Karlyle Tomms

Child, I am telling you that you don't have to do anything to be special." She leaned forward a little more and patted my arm to call my attention. When I turned to look, her eyes met mine with a gaze of pure love. "You are already special," she went on. "You don't have to get an education to be special, but you can if you want to. You don't have to cure cancer to be special, but if you do the world would be grateful. God don't make nobody who ain't special. It means we are all equal in his love. There ain't no way around it. If you believe that love is real, then we are all equal in it. — Karlyle Tomms

The more you look at what's wrong with your life, the less you will see what's right with your life. — Karlyle Tomms

A terrorist attack is like a wasp sting. It may be very painful, but it does not kill the host. It only makes the host more determined to find the nest and destroy it. — Karlyle Tomms

I may not be able to fix what is wrong, but if I stand with someone who is suffering, it may give them the courage to stand up to what is wrong. — Karlyle Tomms

Don't stand in the way of your own light. Let yourself shine as you were meant to shine, for only you can. — Karlyle Tomms

Face each new day with peace and a commitment to live life fully. — Karlyle Tomms

Acceptance is peace. forgiveness is freedom. Peace + Freedom = Joy. — Karlyle Tomms

Hate for hate brings only hate. Love for hate brings healing. — Karlyle Tomms

You cannot save those you condemn, for by condemning you have separated yourself from them. Love is not an act of separation. — Karlyle Tomms

Compassion may not fix a problem. It may not undo a wrong, but it may bring a little light into the life of someone who is suffering. — Karlyle Tomms

Like a hammer, religion is a tool. It is designed to help you construct your spirituality, but like a hammer, it can also be used as a murder weapon. If you are using it for anything other than constructing your own spirituality, then you are not using it as it was intended. — Karlyle Tomms

The worry question: "What can I do about it right now?" If I can't do anything about it right now, it is not a priority and does not deserve my attention. — Karlyle Tomms

It is within my own heart that change must take place. It is the examination of my own soul and the questioning of my own beliefs that will bring healing. Judgment does not heal. I cannot save anyone through my condemnation of them. It is only through deep honesty with myself, and the examination of my own selfishness that I can begin to treat others as I would wish to be treated. — Karlyle Tomms

The human ego tends to defend what we believe, even if the belief is based on a lie. If it is something we were always taught, we seldom make the effort to question it, and belief tends not to change until it shatters against the wall of reality. This is a very painful process and often occurs only in crisis, or when fact is in-congruent with belief.
If we simply learned to question our perceptions instead of demanding that we are right, most of this pain would be eliminated and humanity as a whole would be benefited. — Karlyle Tomms

Your relationship with yourself is the most important one you will ever have because you are the only person with whom you will spend every moment of your life. Treat yourself with kindness, courtesy, and respect. Cherish who you are! — Karlyle Tomms

Punishing yourself for a mistake is making another mistake. Correction comes from caring, not from guilt. — Karlyle Tomms

Want an effective way of creating positive change in your life? Stop talking about what you hate, and start talking about what you love. Stop accounting for what lack, and start counting all the reasons you have to be grateful. — Karlyle Tomms

Words Are The Ones Used To Degrade And Demean Another Human Being — Karlyle Tomms

Everything is temporary. There is nothing in the world that is not perishable. Therefore, treasure and honor all that you have in this moment, for in the next, it may be gone. — Karlyle Tomms

When you attend only to this moment regrets of the past begin to fade. — Karlyle Tomms

A loving, just and merciful God who created everything that exists would therefore love all creation equally. Such a God would have no "chosen people" for we would all be God's chosen people, each of us created in the image and likeness of pure and perfect Holy Love itself. — Karlyle Tomms

If God created each of us and created us in His own image, then we are each created in the image and likeness of pure and perfect Holy Love itself. We cannot be less than that, but we can remove ourselves from the awareness of it. — Karlyle Tomms

If you are not happy with me then I would rather you be happy somewhere else than unhappy with me. For that matter, I would rather you be unhappy somewhere else than be unhappy with me. — Karlyle Tomms