Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 23 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
Famous Quotes By Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

There are on occasions, as we know, when resources are abundant, but they are expended so incompetently that the advantage is nullified. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

I am not a millionaire son
but i make my son become the ,
millionaire son.
by jostalin — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

If Stain was such a bad guy why do all these people attribute to him quotes he didn't make or change his actual quotes just enough to make them seem bad? Seem bad rather than visionary. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

I believe in only one thing,the power of human will. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

Take some exercise, try to recover the look of a human being. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas? — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

This creature softened my heart of stone. She died and with her died my last warm feelings for humanity. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

In the Soviet Union, it's takes more courage to retreat than advance. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

Music's a good thing, it calm the beast in the man. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

It doesnt matter how many people vote, only who counts them. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

People who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

It is difficult for me to imagine what "personal liberty" is enjoyed by an unemployed person, who goes about hungry, and cannot find employment.
Real liberty can exist only where exploitation has been abolished, where there is no oppression of some by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where a man is not haunted by the fear of being tomorrow deprived of work, of home and of bread. Only in such a society is real, and not paper, personal and every other liberty possible. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this - who will count the votes, and how. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

It is not heroes that make history, but history that makes heroes. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

When the Bolsheviks came to power they were soft and easy with their enemies ... we had begun by making a mistake. Leniency towards such a power was a crime against the working classes. That soon became apparent ... — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

[I]ron discipline does not preclude but presupposes criticism and contest of opinion within the Party. Least of all does it mean that discipline must be 'blind'. On the contrary, iron discipline does not preclude but presupposes conscious and voluntary submission, for only conscious discipline can be truly iron discipline. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

When there's a person, there's a problem. When there's no person, there's no problem.
Josef Stalin — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

History has shown there are no invincible armies. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

You cannot make a revolution with silk gloves. — Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin