Jordan Castillo Price Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 56 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jordan Castillo Price.
Famous Quotes By Jordan Castillo Price

You got to ask yourself what's more important
to try to do everything your own way and lose it all, or to ask for help so you can get what you need, when you need it. Always remember, you not here in this world alone. You got friends. — Jordan Castillo Price

If everything were anything," Chance said softly, "the barriers would break down, and we'd all lose ourselves to chaos. And then there would be no cotton candy. — Jordan Castillo Price

Oh, hey," I said, "This is Roger, my new partner. Roger, this is Jacob, my, uh ... " God, could there be a worse word than "boyfriend?" It made us sound like Barbie and Ken. Or Ken and Ken. Or Ken and G.I. Joe. I told my mind to stop stalling and think of a way to say it. "My partner ... at home — Jordan Castillo Price

I hit Crash's button and we heard the phone inside start to ring.
After four, he answered. "Hey, PsyPig." His voice was husky. "I'd normally tell you not to call me at this ungodly hour, but evidently someone's running a cockfghting ring in the hall, so I wasn't actually asleep ... "
"It's me. Open up."
He was actually silent for a second. "Aren't /you/ butch?"
"Don't fuck around. I need to see Miss Mattie."
"Okay, okay, don't get your handcuffs in a twist. I can't find my pants."
I wondered if he could say the word "pants" without making something dirty out of it.
"Unless, of course, this visit is clothing-optional."
And there it was. I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me since the door was still shut. — Jordan Castillo Price

Crash took a long drag off his cigarette and gave me a smug little smile. He always looked smug. His hair was dyed Kool-Aid green. Maybe that's what he was looking smug about today, despite the fact that it clashed with his olive drab army duster. Or maybe he knew my ass stung with every step I took- either because he was an empath who hot "feelings" about what everyone was experiencing, or because he'd taken it up the ass from Jacob himself. Crash's smirk widened and I looked away. One day I'd probably slap him. And then I'd regret it, because he was probably into stuff like that. — Jordan Castillo Price

When people die," I said, "and you'll be able to verify this for yourself - most of 'em move on. A few of 'em stick around. But the ones who stick around are usually messed-up. Murders and suicides, or people with unfinished business. As for accidents and illness - at the very worst, they leave a little residue. A repeater. A psychic impression of the final moments, like a moving snapshot. I think the spirits of those repeaters, they're fine. They go wherever it is people ... go. When they die. — Jordan Castillo Price

We stick together from now on. He spoke quietly, but he stared me right in the eye as he said it. Be still, my beating heart. — Jordan Castillo Price

I'll be fast. I can make you come in two minutes."
"I can do that myself. I never get to see you anymore- I'd rather talk to you"
That had to be the most romantic things anyone had ever said to me, and I went all gooshy inside. — Jordan Castillo Price

It was real sweet, except that he'd drugged me and ridden me to within an inch of my life, and I was still so high I was paralyzed and mute. But other than that, I guess it was pretty romantic. — Jordan Castillo Price

Gee, I wasn't as up on my Native American traditions as the chick who used to call herself Faun fucking Windsong even though she was fifteen sixteenths as lily-white as me. Imagine that. — Jordan Castillo Price

The kitchen guy wheeled out the tray of lunches. The salmon looked too fancy for institutional food, more at par with something Jacob would have cooked up at home as a way of saying, I'm sorry I stood you up at that party where all my friends were flexing so hard you could barely fit in the room with their delts. — Jordan Castillo Price

I'd blow someone for a valium," I said in Jacob's ear.
"Maybe he's got one ... but try offering a hand-job first so you retain some leverage. — Jordan Castillo Price

We lingered there for just one more moment, and held each other, and savored the feeling of wanting and being wanted. Loving, and being loved. — Jordan Castillo Price

I rolled up my sleeve. Penned on my arm in my own writing: If I prove I'm not selfish, Daniel will love me. — Jordan Castillo Price

Self-esteem. That's one of those catch-all terms that means nothing at all, but the mere mention of it leaves all the socially conscious liberal types nodding sagely and scratching their chins. — Jordan Castillo Price

I'd like to think that we're not just sacks of biological goo careening through a random universe. — Jordan Castillo Price

He was nuts. He'd scammed the quarterly mental health exam and was certifiably insane.
Not that that's ever stopped me from sleeping with anyone. — Jordan Castillo Price

I put them near the cellar door in case you want to store them down there."
"Yeah. I, uh ... I'm not big on going down into this basement."
"But you said this place only had one ghost in it, and she left."
I had. But I never claimed that ,y loathing of basements was entirely rational. "I had a bizarre fabric softener incident once," I told her. "It scarred me for life. — Jordan Castillo Price

"Your heart is in your chest. It supplies the blood to your cells. Even if you don't think about it, your heart is always pumping. The heart is the most important organ in the body. Without it, you will die.
"'What grade are you teaching these days?' Joel asked. ' Because either this is really sad ... or really profound. — Jordan Castillo Price

Sometimes the only place you find help is the last place you look. — Jordan Castillo Price

The mall at Christmastime was not for the faint of heart. I overloaded about thirty yards in. — Jordan Castillo Price

The perfect quote sprang to mind, but I resisted saying it under my breath, since Jonathan would hear. I couldn't even mouth the words, since for all I knew, he'd hear my lips moving. So I conjured up a vision of the Tin Man and let him say it for me in my head. Now I know I've got a heart. I can feel it breaking. — Jordan Castillo Price

I've got more talent than everyone on their payroll put together," I said. Jacob squeezed me tighter. His eyes never moved from mine. "I'm so far beyond level five it's not even funny. — Jordan Castillo Price

Victor, back there in that basement, when the zombies were ... were ... moving around on those tables ... . Twitching? And dead? You didn't even blink.
This is nothing like those zombies.
No shit. Because this time, you're scared - beyond scared. You're terrified. And whatever's got you scared? I don't want any part of it. — Jordan Castillo Price

Say something," he said.
"What?" I mumbled, struggling to orient myself. "What?"
"Can you hear me? What day is it? Who's the president?"
"Yes, I don't know, and a horse's ass. — Jordan Castillo Price

What the fuck happened to you? [...] You look like you lost a fight with a lamprey. Hickey, hickey...bruise, bruise, bruise...bite. I thought that thing on your neck the other day was just a fluke. I guess not--looks like you get off on picking up a few souvenirs when you...get off. ~Crash — Jordan Castillo Price

Eventually Young Vic would have ditched me for someone with a bunch of piercings and an edgy record collection, if I didn't take off with a pseudo-intellectual political activist first. — Jordan Castillo Price

I've never liked the word team. I've always equated it with being picked last and getting nailed in the groin with a dodgeball. — Jordan Castillo Price

...knowing often felt preferable to not knowing. It provided the illusion of control. — Jordan Castillo Price

If life's taught me anything, it's that you might as well eat your dessert first, 'cos the ceiling might fall in before you're even done with the salad. — Jordan Castillo Price

We'll need you to unlock your desk, sir."
"Sorry," Dreyfuss said. "Not until I've read this form."
"You haven't ... looked at it."
"And I'm a very slow reader. Sometimes I wonder if I'm dyslexic. — Jordan Castillo Price

My waking life probably gave my subconscious an inferiority complex. — Jordan Castillo Price

Renfield, my ass. What I had on my hands was a Van Helsing. — Jordan Castillo Price

Those wire baskets where you leave your paperwork to die ... — Jordan Castillo Price

Back when I was a two-handed bastard, I made the sheep of the population nervous by skulking around in my badass facial hardware and projecting the fact that I didn't give a shit. — Jordan Castillo Price

No wonder I worried about talking dirty; talking in general seemed to escape me. — Jordan Castillo Price

Now I knew how women felt when they thought they were going to get a diamond ring and ended up with an onion ring — Jordan Castillo Price

A psycho murderer who lubed. How considerate. — Jordan Castillo Price

Or you can fake your own death," Bill suggested.
"Because really, that's the most cathartic resolution - if all your friends and family think you're dead. Everyone cries, they have a little rant about all your potential going to waste, they put on a memorial service and you can hide and see who bothers to come - and if you're really lucky, they bury an empty coffin. When they couldn't even be bothered to spot you a twenty 'til payday. You know how much booze you could buy for the cost of a single coffin? — Jordan Castillo Price

And then I saw it.
The mirror fogged over as I squinted at my reflection, and I scrubbed it with the heel of my palm. My skin squeaked against the glass, I turned my head to the side. I peered at my reflection from the corner of my eye.
"You left a bite mark on my neck!"
Jacob opened the shower curtain just far enough to look out at me. He knuckled water out of his eyes and grinned at me. "Good thing you don't have to woke tomorrow."
"You shit."
He grinned wider and whisked the curtain shut.
Way to go. I'd look real slick reporting for duty at the Fifth Precinct covered in hickeys like a slutty teenaged girl. Damn it. I rubbed at the toothmarks, which raised a pinkish blotch around them. "It better be gone by Thursday," I said. I'm sure Jacob felt very chastised. Not. — Jordan Castillo Price

Do you sell anything that can answer a yes or no question?" I asked him.
"For entertainment purposes," he asked me not bothering to look up, "or for real?"
I squelched the impulse to scream, "What do you think, you jackass?" Maybe he was asking a serious question- though I had my doubts. "You're the one with the metaphysical shop. If I wanted a magic Eight Ball, I'd go to SaverPlus."
He looked up at me and grinned. "Did you notice the new guy who works at the return counter in the SaverPlus basement?He's kind of a creep- which I think I like about him- and he's got this monster bulge in his pants."
I could totally see him getting into someone who was a creep. "Um. No."
"They're still open. Why don't you go buy a Magic Eight Ball so I can return it?"
"Then what the fuck good are you? — Jordan Castillo Price

Although Ryan hardly knew the person whose breath was playing over his cheek any better than he had mere seconds before, the simple exchange of names - or initials - had raised the bar for the encounter from anonymously seedy to merely impulsive. He'd always admired impulsiveness, though he'd never successfully cultivated the tendency in himself. Impulsive people seemed to get what they wanted. And if not, they looked like they had a lot of fun trying. — Jordan Castillo Price

Queer. And not in the way I like. — Jordan Castillo Price

Jacob went to the sink and held his hands under the tap. He splashed cold water on his face and formed another ab-flashing maneuver that would bring every card-carrying queer to his knees. — Jordan Castillo Price

You don't have to be psychic to end up knowing things you were a lot happier not knowing. — Jordan Castillo Price

Box of arm? Check. — Jordan Castillo Price

I looked at my spices again. Salt for protection, cinnamon to enhance psychic ability, and pepper to drive away evil. I figured I should start with the cinnamon.
My first impulse was to snort it. — Jordan Castillo Price

Jackie, can you tell me if someone's dead or not?'
"Who it be? Maybe I heard something."
"Miranda Lopez." I pulled out the charm and balanced it on my fingertips, and then I realized the photo was probably a better likeness. I pocketed the milagro ad held up the Polaroid.
"I find out for you if you get me a dime."
I sighed and put the photo away. "You can't smoke crack. You're dead. And even if you weren't, I'm not gonna score for you. I'm a cop. "
"You so full of shit. You ain't no cop neither."
"Would I be wearing this fucking suit if I wasn't a cop?"
"I don't know. I always thought you sold cars or something."
I tucked my chin toward my chest and stomped toward my gate. Jackie couldn't help me. And how dare she call me a used car salesman? I wasn't always a dork in a blazer. Once upon a time I was actually cool. Until the Cook County Mental Health Centre, anyway. After that, I guess I kinda stopped caring. — Jordan Castillo Price

Blakewood had a collection of miniature furniture with Scotty dogs painted on it, arranged on a semicircular shelf int he corner. Yeah. He was queer. — Jordan Castillo Price

You shot heroin in the bathroom while I was disinfecting the kitchen. Didn't you?"
"Of course not." He pulled on his gloves and led the way into the building. "I hatched from a pod and hid the real Jonathan under the floorboards."
"You're much less creepy when you're pensive and focused. Just so you know. — Jordan Castillo Price

The past is only a memory. Memories have no power to hurt you. — Jordan Castillo Price

Jacob cut his gaze to me. I wasn't quiet sure how to convey, /I know we hate him, but based on the circumstances, it was the most logical thing to do/, with a nonverbal signal. I widened my eyes a little. — Jordan Castillo Price

I'd gone my whole life with people expecting things I didn't seem capable of giving, so why should now be any different? — Jordan Castillo Price

You've been really hard on my clothes lately", I said. I pushed him away just enough to slip out of my T-shirt and drop it on the floor before he turned it into a stretched-out rag.
"I've been really hard ... and your clothes are in my way. — Jordan Castillo Price

I really hate threesomes when one of the participants is dead. — Jordan Castillo Price