John Patrick Hickey Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 100 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by John Patrick Hickey.
Famous Quotes By John Patrick Hickey

Remember this, posting pictures are like speaking words, you cannot take them back. — John Patrick Hickey

People who achieve the greatest success are the people who have the most fun getting there. — John Patrick Hickey

There is only one way to success, wealth and achievement and that is through a lot of hard work. — John Patrick Hickey

Anyone who is so busy that they do not have time to enjoy what life has for them are just too busy. — John Patrick Hickey

It is amazing to see all that is going on around us and it is people of action who make it all happen. — John Patrick Hickey

Posting your thoughts on any social media site is like telling you most deeply held secret to the town gossip. Not a wise move. — John Patrick Hickey

Positive people on the other had are not those who deny what is going on around them for some pie-in-the-sky type of thinking. Positive people are very award of the problems, disasters and difficulties that are happening all around them. What they do not do is give into defeat. — John Patrick Hickey

Always remember that the lessons you learn in life are never meant just for you. They are like all our gifts, they are meant to be used and shared, never horded and hidden. — John Patrick Hickey

Okay, I cannot say this without being very direct. If you are looking for a spouse or even a romance through social media, you are looking for trouble. — John Patrick Hickey

As a success-minded person, you should always be looking to not only do your job but do it with excellence and go the extra mile. — John Patrick Hickey

Gossip has always been a problem. It is one of the most powerful, addictive behaviors there is. As long as the human race has had a common language they have used it to gossip. — John Patrick Hickey

Each of us have a choice to make. Will we choose to achieve our dreams or will we choose to allow others to use us to achieve their dreams. — John Patrick Hickey

Trustworthiness is a mark of a success-minded person. To be seen as trustworthy is a great compliment. When people trust you, they expect that you will honor their trust. — John Patrick Hickey

We are all different and we all have a different sense of humor. — John Patrick Hickey

Success-minded people know that the greatest enemy to today's success is yesterday's success. — John Patrick Hickey

The secret to wealth is hard work and good management. — John Patrick Hickey

You must always think big while you start small. — John Patrick Hickey

To be truly grateful for the kindness of other and to have those you love in your life is a great and powerful emotion. — John Patrick Hickey

On your journey to achievement, you should never be without good positive materials and people who will encourage you, excite you and give you a reason to move forward. — John Patrick Hickey

Choice is the greatest power in the universe; and it is all yours. — John Patrick Hickey

Reading is one of the greatest gifts given to humankind. — John Patrick Hickey

No matter how you choose to act, that is the person you will become. — John Patrick Hickey

Books have the power to change and transform your life like few other things you have. — John Patrick Hickey

To build a positive attitude you must take some deliberate action. You must be responsible for your thoughts, words, and actions. — John Patrick Hickey

If you want friends you must be friendly. Always complaining and posting negative comments is not going to bring you friends. No one likes to get puked on. — John Patrick Hickey

I believe that each of our lives has a purpose. You have something to do that is unique to you. — John Patrick Hickey

I believe that when a person has hope in the future, believe in their ability to achieve and understand that God made them for a purpose, then they will, in the end, and achieve great things. — John Patrick Hickey

The brain is a wonderful thing. It will always give you an answer to the questions you ask. The problem comes from the questions you ask yourself. Your brain will only answer exactly what it is asked. — John Patrick Hickey

Be a person that others will look for your posts daily because they know you will encourage them. Be the positive one and help others to have a great day and you will find that not only they like you but you will like you too. — John Patrick Hickey

Success-minded people must understand that the use of profane and obscene words have no place in their vocabulary. — John Patrick Hickey

A positive mind-set says that you are not a victim to the whims of others or by circumstances over which you have no control. — John Patrick Hickey

Always remember, success leaves clues. — John Patrick Hickey

Burnout is not the result of doing too much; it is the result of not getting enough rest. — John Patrick Hickey

Heroes show us courage, honor, integrity and strength. Now more than ever, we need heroes. — John Patrick Hickey

If someone tells you that you can achieve your dreams with little to no work, they are lying to you. — John Patrick Hickey

If you are going to share something with a person, first look on their social media accounts and see how they have handled other people trust. If someone has shared the secrets of others, they will share yours. — John Patrick Hickey

Not everyone will support every mission or work, you can still enjoy their friendship. No one likes to feel that the only reason you are friends is what you can get out of them. — John Patrick Hickey

A goal that is set in your head is only a wish and holds as much form as smoke. — John Patrick Hickey

Writing out your goals is the first action in a chain of many on the road to achievement. — John Patrick Hickey

Never base your destiny on things you cannot control and have no power to change. — John Patrick Hickey

Success-minded people need to understand that the small voice inside them is there for a reason. — John Patrick Hickey

Success-minded people know that first and foremost, in all we do, we must think of others first. By thinking of others, how they feel and what they need, will not cost you a thing nor will it lessen what you have to say. — John Patrick Hickey

How we talk effects our lives in two very important ways. It shows how we think of others and how we think of ourselves. The fascinating thing is they always run together. — John Patrick Hickey

Those who have learned to behave as winners always end up winners. — John Patrick Hickey

There is nothing better in the whole world than to know you have set a goal and achieved it. — John Patrick Hickey

Success-minded people make a decision to achieve a goal and never have to make that decision again. They will be faced with a choice or some new circumstances to deal with, but the decision to achieve the goal is not in question. They have only to make adjustments along the way. — John Patrick Hickey

Let your heroes be known. Give praise and honor to those to whom it is rightly due. Spend more time posting stories about heroes than you do about the wrongs in the world. When we know about heroes and we see those who perform heroic acts, we too want to be heroes. There is a hero in all of us. Heroes are important. — John Patrick Hickey

Remember that people who seek to do evil can play hit and miss all they want. People who are seeking companionship online have to be right every time. Miss out on this one and the price could be very dear, even costing your life. — John Patrick Hickey

Stop making excuses of why you can't or how hard it is and start making your life matter. — John Patrick Hickey

When you know you can do something, and you feel good about yourself, you do not have to devalue others. — John Patrick Hickey

We have gotten so use to humor being something nasty and offensive that we started to believe that was the only way to get a laugh. — John Patrick Hickey

Good manners is just being respectful of others. Whether you know them or not, you should show respect for all people. — John Patrick Hickey

Life is full of lessons for the success-minded person who keeps his/her eyes open to what is going on. — John Patrick Hickey

Be a blessing to all you are connecting with on social media. Encourage, rejoice and celebrate with each and every one. You will find that it will do wonders for your own attitude as well as those who may struggle with a negative mind-set. — John Patrick Hickey

Nothing builds up your attitude like gratitude. You cannot be depressed, negative, and grateful at the same time. — John Patrick Hickey

Success-minded people tend to be successful, confident, and friendly because they act successful, confident and friendly. People feel comfortable around positive people because positive people feel comfortable with themselves. — John Patrick Hickey

Without question, positive thinking will do more for you, will make you feel better, do better, let you have more fun, and be liked by more people than negative thinking ever will. — John Patrick Hickey

The best decisions are always made quickly and changed slowly, not made slowly and changed quickly. — John Patrick Hickey

Belief in yourself comes from a positive attitude that sees life as worth living and that you have a wonderful part to play in it. — John Patrick Hickey

The greatest weapon you have, and the one that will see you through anything, is a settled determination that you will achieve your dream. — John Patrick Hickey

Those who care how they look care how they live and they will be the achievers. — John Patrick Hickey

Every decision you ever make has its own consequences. Freedom is not the issue. You have freedom to do what you want, you just cannot do it and not pay the price for it. — John Patrick Hickey

Money can be the reward for efforts, but it should not be the reason for them. You must have something bigger than that. — John Patrick Hickey

Here is one of the biggest reasons why keeping your goals in your mind only is dangerous: your brain leaks! — John Patrick Hickey

Determination knows that you can do what it takes, even if that is hard or frightening, in order to achieve the goal you seek. — John Patrick Hickey

No matter who it is or what you think of them, never rejoice in the pain of others. It lowers you to a level you should not be at. — John Patrick Hickey

God in His perfect wisdom gave you power to control only one thing in the entire universe, and that is you. — John Patrick Hickey

Our body is the vehicle that we are given for our journey and if we do not take care of it, we will find ourselves broken down on the side of the road facing costly and time-consuming repairs. — John Patrick Hickey

Writing out a goal allows us to see it in words. It creates a statement that does not change; it is something that we can go back to repeatedly for direction and clarity. — John Patrick Hickey

Asking questions is not a matter of weakness or of being uninformed. In fact, people who ask a lot of questions tend to achieve more and learn more than those who do not. — John Patrick Hickey

By no means do I think that playing games online is wrong or rude. However, constantly sending requests is an act of bad manners as well as being very annoying to the one receiving them. — John Patrick Hickey

Success-minded people know that nothing is without a reason. — John Patrick Hickey

Goals need to build like a fire. It starts as a flame consuming all you put into it and burns hotter and hotter the more you work at it. — John Patrick Hickey

Our attitude will determine what we will strive for, whom we will be, and how our life will turn out. — John Patrick Hickey

The fact that you are not perfect may come as a surprise to you but it is not a surprise to anyone else. — John Patrick Hickey

There is a universal truth that all successful people know: Nothing is ever done until you take action. — John Patrick Hickey

Here is the truth: The journey to achievement is not a destination, it is only a stop over to the next goal. — John Patrick Hickey

Do not allow your thoughts of what was to steal what can be. — John Patrick Hickey

It is rudeness of the highest order to hit a family when they are down. — John Patrick Hickey

Posting something that is encouraging and well done compared to something that is trashy and common is the difference between eating a fine meal or the scraps from making that meal. — John Patrick Hickey

It is not the job for those who are angry about the events of the day to strike out and post things that they hope will incite anger in others as well. Do not sell your social media friends short as far as their ability to find the news for themselves. — John Patrick Hickey

It seems that the days of public modesty and concern about how we look are far from us. I will not say they are gone forever, in culture nothing is forever. — John Patrick Hickey

Everything has a consequence to it. — John Patrick Hickey

Only the foolish insist on making their own mistakes when they can learn from the mistakes of others. Only the wise will understand that success leaves clues, and those clues are there for you to use to achieve great things. — John Patrick Hickey

The achievement of the goal is only a stepping-stone to the next, bigger and better goal. It never stops. — John Patrick Hickey

Your thoughts, the way you think is the most powerful influence in your life. — John Patrick Hickey

Mark this on your wall and remember it always: The greatest single most powerful enemy to success is success itself. — John Patrick Hickey

If someone is trying to share a laugh and you personally do not find it funny, then just move on and leave it alone. Do not steal someone else's humor. — John Patrick Hickey

If you are serious about your goals and you truly desire to achieve your dreams, you must write them down. — John Patrick Hickey

I can tell you without question that there is one key element that makes the difference between those who succeed and those who do not. That element is action. — John Patrick Hickey

If you believe that success is only connected to money, you will not last long. — John Patrick Hickey

A dream comes from within you. It is what you were created to do, so it has always been there. — John Patrick Hickey

Nothing happens without action! — John Patrick Hickey

The rules from those who are politically correct restrict what you can say to or about anything in our daily life. They tell you what to call others and what others can call you. — John Patrick Hickey