John Jackson Miller Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 75 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by John Jackson Miller.
Famous Quotes By John Jackson Miller

But seeing and doing nothing isn't the worst thing," Hera had said. "The worst thing is to see and not to care. — John Jackson Miller

That's why the Emperor needs an Empire, Kanan. It's like a space slug, whose only function is to stay alive. It's got to consume, and consume, and consume. — John Jackson Miller

We would be destroying a habitable world," Sloane said, at once repulsed and amazed. — John Jackson Miller

Tarkin thought of himself as the product of a military upbringing, in which discipline, respect, and obedience were held in the highest regard. — John Jackson Miller

Even the most powerful of Dark Side Adepts believed that shrines of that sort existed only on Sith worlds remote from Coruscant, and even the most powerful of the Jedi believed that the power inherent in the shrine had been neutralized and successfully capped. In truth, that power had seeped upward and outward since its entombment, infiltrating the hallways and rooms above, and weakening the Jedi Order much as the Sith Masters themselves had secretly infiltrated the corridors of political power and toppled the Republic. — John Jackson Miller

Hello, Master. I'm running now - but I've had time to reflect on your teachings. You say the living sometimes have to suffer to serve a larger goal. I've seen how you live by that. Well, I have a goal now, too. Justice. For myself, for my friends, for the people sacrificed to the plans of the so-called infallible. And it will definitely involve some suffering. Because, you see, I've had a vision of my own. One day, one of you is going to confess and clear my name. And to make sure, I'm going to hunt down each and every one of you. The one that confesses, lives. I don't care which one of you does it. It doesn't matter where they send you. You have a death mark, same as me. Don't look for me, Lucien. Because I'll find you. And if I do end up collapsing the Jedi Order, just remember one thing. You started it."
-Zayne Carrick, KOTR comics — John Jackson Miller

Maybe she could've come back from her suspension and gone back to work at Transcept, as if nothing had happened. But she couldn't. Because something had happened. A lot of somethings. And it meant she could never return to that life, if she even wanted to. And she didn't. — John Jackson Miller

The galaxy is full of creatures that are nothing like us at all. We can try to understand them, and we should. But even if we accept that they're doing what comes naturally, one is not beholden to comply when the sarlacc asks for dinner. — John Jackson Miller

A good politician always knew which way the winds were blowing: a better politician made the weather himself. — John Jackson Miller

When your job's to make sure nothing ever happens," he'd once heard, "you begin to see nothing happening — John Jackson Miller

Or maybe it's time for people to be their own Jedi. They weren't gods - just people like us, who saw a need. If they could find a way, I'm sure we can. — John Jackson Miller

Whether this is your first Star Wars adventure, or one of many over the years: Thank you. Thank you for your dedication to and passion for the Star Wars galaxy. Because of fans like you around the world, the Force will be with us, always. Dave Filoni Executive Producer and Supervising Director, Star Wars Rebels — John Jackson Miller

may the Force be with you all while we wait with bated breath for Star Wars: The Force Awakens! — John Jackson Miller

The Jedi had always preached against forming connections, to prevent their acolytes from putting too much value in any one relationship. In so doing, they had unwittingly trained their students to be the perfect fugitives, able to cut and run at any moment. As long as they didn't stop to care, they could go on indefinitely. — John Jackson Miller

Maybe that's part of why people on Gorse live as they do - because doomsday's coming. But we were told it wouldn't happen for thousands of years, so not to worry." Hera nodded. "But what if it happened tomorrow? — John Jackson Miller

Firing a manager inspired only the ambitious who wanted to take his or her place. But murder motivated everyone. It belonged in every supervisor's tool kit. — John Jackson Miller

The mind is a dynamo in the dark, an engine endlessly running, powering nothing. It thrashes in the night, seeking daylight, inventing its own. — John Jackson Miller

Has anything bad ever happened in YOUR life? Anything bad that could have been stopped, if only someone had been paying better attention?"..."And you, Kanan? Is there something bad that could have been prevented, if someone had been watching over you?"..."EVERYBODY'S got something like that. — John Jackson Miller

I've lived my life in the structure of the Jedi Order. Yes, it was an organization with a goal- but it was also a family. I said it myself: Anakin was my brother. I had many brothers and sisters. And fathers and mothers. And even a strange little green uncle. I don't have that home now. I don't have that family. Almost every friend I've ever had is dead. — John Jackson Miller

Travel light, and death will never find you. — John Jackson Miller

Droid Gotra, a lethal band of repurposed battle droids with what some considered legitimate grievances against the Empire for having been abandoned after their service during the Clone Wars. — John Jackson Miller

Starships are fun to fly around in, but they're no place to entertain. — John Jackson Miller

In theory, say you did have thousands of people - no, thousands of systems - enraged at a hypothetical Galactic Empire in a faraway galaxy. But they're all upset over local matters, over particular grievances, and they never get together on anything. So they get no strength in numbers, no strategic advantages from cooperation. They're easy to divide and conquer. And worst of all, no common spirit ever develops. — John Jackson Miller

He stepped over to Vidian and turned the man's head. There, in his left ear, he saw a small dataport. A moment's revulsion struck and passed. "All right," he said. "Who wants to download Vidian's brain? — John Jackson Miller

I don't take orders from you." Then Skelly looked out the landing bay entrance at Cynda. He winked. "I saved you, sweetheart!" He pushed the button. — John Jackson Miller

Imperial Navy had been in existence by that name for less than a decade, since Chancellor Palpatine put down the traitorous Jedi and transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire. — John Jackson Miller

Is there something bad that could have been prevented if someone'd been watching over you? — John Jackson Miller

Starships were settlements in the sky. Some were villages; Ultimatum was a great metropolis. And yet even Star Destroyers functioned like small towns. A big sink full of gossip - and as with small towns, the contents all tended to flow toward one person, like water to a drain. — John Jackson Miller

All interstellar empires rose and fell, ultimately, on their ability to deliver on this one simple, unexciting thing: logistics. — John Jackson Miller

Things that seem permanent, a given, have a way of changing quickly, to something you don't recognize. And not all change is for the better. — John Jackson Miller

There are monsters in all walks of life. One doesn't need unlimited power to create victims. One only needs to be desperate. — John Jackson Miller

I won't patronize you by saying I know how you feel-every tragedy is different, and personal. — John Jackson Miller

The cook didn't respond, keeping his bony beige headcrest down over his work as four massive hands worked the pots and pans. "I'll miss these great conversations," Kanan added. Drakka looked up long enough to growl, a creepy sound made creepier by the way the fleshy sac beneath his mouth fluttered. Then he returned to his cooking. — John Jackson Miller

When the stormtroopers parted, Hera saw Gord crawling back toward Moonglow's gate. She blinked away a tear of anger. Yes, she needed to see these things, to remind her what she was fighting for. — John Jackson Miller

One thing you learn as you get older: the secret to a happy work life is finding a desk chair you can live with. — John Jackson Miller

It was a strange thing. So many people on Gorse lived in fear - especially Sullustans and others of smaller stature. Yet working with the Mynocks, she'd felt somewhat immune. There was safety in isolation, security in having information. Yes, her kind of work did have the potential to create problems for others. But she'd suppressed any consideration of that on the grounds that so many of the people she eavesdropped on were bad characters, likely to hassle a poor workingwoman on a darkened street. — John Jackson Miller

You're fortunate I've already beaten someone else to death today, gunslinger. I have a schedule to keep. — John Jackson Miller

A life that seems small on the outside can be limitless on the inside. — John Jackson Miller

Unfortunately, Bretorius had found mediocrity too high a bar. He had advanced in the fleet the old-fashioned way: he'd stuck around so long they had to give him a command, or muster him out. — John Jackson Miller

Then go faster. But don't go stupid. — John Jackson Miller

Later, some kind of animal - Gloyd described it to him as a six-legged mammal, half mouth - vaulted from a burrow and tore into one of the injured. It took five exhausted sentries to slay the beast. One of Devore's mining specialists cast a chunk of the creature's body into the campfire and sampled a piece. She vomited blood and died within heartbeats. — John Jackson Miller

The bareheaded others comprising Vader's squad were human regulars who had enlisted after the war. — John Jackson Miller

But what was happening to Gorse and Cynda was beyond serious. It was the sort of thing she'd vowed to stop someday. The day had just come early - too early, before she'd assembled a capable team. Not exactly the new dawn she'd had in mind. — John Jackson Miller

Starfleet, where keeping decorum ranked just beneath exploration as its reason for existing. — John Jackson Miller

the wretched practices of the Republic endured: corruption, decadence, the lust for prestige. — John Jackson Miller

Kanan thumped his chest. "I'm a man with a mission."
"You're an oaf with a delusion. — John Jackson Miller

There's no one around to answer all my questions now that Ben's gone. It's a stark fact that continually reasserts itself each time I wonder what I'm supposed to do now. That brown robe he wore might as well have been made of pure mystery; he clothed himself in it and then left nothing else behind on the Death Star. I — John Jackson Miller

He'd known only that, in the end, the Force hadn't helped her. Or any of the other Jedi he'd heard about. — John Jackson Miller

Controlling nothing. Consider that! The youngling and the aged experience it - the struggle with ineffectuality. Controlling nothing is the true death. But I have come back from the dead. And through me, the Empire will control everything. — John Jackson Miller

Kallie entered through from the livery yard, to the right of the group. She carried the bantha prod from the Jabe incident, the latest in a series of items she was returning to the tack room in her ongoing effort to see Ben. She saw her dashing hero, all right - standing uneasily, with Veeka perched lasciviously on the counter with a leg on either side of him. — John Jackson Miller

Life was like a cannon, Beld Yulan had always said. "You've got to clear the empty casings before you can fire again." As — John Jackson Miller

The stories we love may not always fit neatly into a single time line, but they will always matter. — John Jackson Miller

There are truths, and there are legends touched with truth, and all can teach you something. — John Jackson Miller

When the Emperor and his notorious apprentice, Darth Vader, find themselves stranded in the middle of insurgent action on an inhospitable planet, they must rely solely on each other, the Force, and their awesome martial skills to prevail. — John Jackson Miller

enough for the Republic - but the Empire is order from chaos. What we do here - and in thousands of systems just like this one - brings us closer to our ultimate goal." Sloane thought for a moment. "Perfection?" "Whatever the Emperor wants. — John Jackson Miller

May the spirit of death make a clerical error and forget you exist. — John Jackson Miller

Kanan sometimes wondered how the stormtrooper uniform suppliers kept up with the demand. When the Imperials reached the fringe of the galaxy, what would they be wearing? — John Jackson Miller

Then there is Annileen. I was tempted to call her 'the Intrepid Annileen' just now - because she seems to be able to deal with whatever horror this planet can imagine. That's what I need to become: absolutely familiar with all the dangers here. She takes them in stride. Not because she's fearless, but because she knows she has to go on, to take care of all the people in her life. — John Jackson Miller

For once the battle station is fully operational, you will wield the ultimate power in the galaxy." Tarkin — John Jackson Miller

The Clone Wars were yet another thing to be upset about. Everything about that conflict had been a lie. The Separatists had been this big enemy, and yet when the Empire was declared they'd melted away as if at the push of a button. The big corporations had staged the whole thing, Skelly was sure. Wars sold more ships, more weapons, and more medical devices. And in the Clone Wars, even the soldiers on both sides were manufactured goods. — John Jackson Miller

He's evil in a can. — John Jackson Miller

She saw stormtroopers running down the metal steps to the main floor. And now she looked directly into the terrifying eyes of Count Vidian. — John Jackson Miller

The Jedi Order was more than an unpaid police force, more than just an exercise club that was into metaphysics. It was a way of life, based on the Jedi Code - and a lot of rules for living that weren't in the Code, that had been tacked on later. One was that Jedi avoided becoming involved in romantic relationships. Once on the run, Kanan Jarrus had found that rule pretty easy to forget about. — John Jackson Miller

You people snicker at me and my histories. But history is important. It can be a weapon--for both sides."
-Grand Lord Hilts — John Jackson Miller

All life is sacred. Even life that comes in forms that we don't understand." - Obi-Wan Kenobi — John Jackson Miller

And the Force? Well, it might be with him, or it might not. Kanan would get by, either way. He always had. — John Jackson Miller

Everything casts two shadows.
The suns had determined this at the dawn of creation. Brothers, they were, until the younger sun showed his true face to the tribe. It was a sin. The elder sun attempted to kill his brother, as was only proper.
But he failed.
Burning, bleeding, the younger sun pursued his sibling across the sky. The wily old star fled for the hills and safety, but it was his fate never to rest again. For the younger brother had only exposed his face. The elder had exposed his failure. — John Jackson Miller

Some days you get the bear... — John Jackson Miller

It was the secret of advancement in the service: Always be on the side of what is going to happen anyway. — John Jackson Miller

She eagerly showed him her updates - and he ignored her obvious disappointment as he just as quickly undid them, stripping away one safety practice after another. Toxic exposure was a small price to pay to meet the Emperor's quota. — John Jackson Miller