John Hennessy Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 17 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by John Hennessy.
Famous Quotes By John Hennessy

It's a hell of thing, killing someone. You'll see the light extinguish from their eyes - that's the last thing to leave their so-called life. Your teeth buried into their neck is the last thing they feel, and you'll be the last thing they'll see. You take all they are, all they were, and all they will ever be. The vampire's kiss is the most efficient of killing tools. One bite takes all. — John Hennessy

There. We can be friends now."
"Someone like you could never be my friend."
"Why ever not?"
"Because I'm a nice person, and you're a sick, twisted bitch. — John Hennessy

Jaz caught himself a Myngelle."
"I'm surprised Anadyr let you out into the Plains by yourselves," smiled Corianna, "and you had best return that egg. The Merfolk will not be happy with you."
"Oh ... ! They'll have forgotten about all that by the time I have to journey to the Plains," said Jazdyr, cradling the unhatched egg.
"They don't forget anything, Jaz," said Jaden, "and our Lady Elf is right, you can't be handling that egg. You have to prepare to be a warrior."
"What if I don't want to be a warrior? I can just look after this egg, after it hatches."
"I don't think there's many openings for a zoo keeper in Mordana. — John Hennessy

If I am to be a skeleton in a box buried deep into the ground, I pray you will be the dust that rests atop my bones. — John Hennessy

Now don't jerk me around. This is the Midlands. There are no vampires here, and dressing up like one doesn't make it so. You can't even tell me how he's got no marks on his neck!"
"Oh yes I can. It's the twenty-first century. These days we tend to clean up after ourselves. — John Hennessy

In all your years, Anadyr, have you ever encounted the Dark Mage?" asked Aynara.
"I have not, my Lady, but I would hope for my entire existence not to happen on his ugliness."
Aynara turned to Anadyr. "I have, just once before. When he appears, he is anything but ugly, my Lord. In fact, one might consider him the most beautiful entity you have ever seen. Strange that it is often the case for many a foe we encounter. Evil often comes with a smile."
(from Stormling, 2014) — John Hennessy

You're a vampire?"
"So what does that make me, your victim?"
"You're clearly not as dumb as you look. — John Hennessy

If you're going to follow in my footsteps, be sure to cover your tracks. — John Hennessy

Dolchyme: "It's ... just that ... we don't get many of your kind around here. Stormling folk and all that.
Anadyr: "I'm a Storm Lord, actually."
Dolchyme: "Sheesk - if I'm not in the presence of royalty then. — John Hennessy

Insanity is the only real escape from the banality of our lives.
- Clara Bayliss — John Hennessy

You know what's worse than burying your own child? Not burying your own child. — John Hennessy

Michael: "Thing is, I'd like to go out with you. What are you doing on Saturday?"
Siobhan: "Committing suicide."
Michael: "Alright then, what are you doing on Friday?"
(from Stormling, 2014) — John Hennessy

Person 1: "Stay back ... I have a demon inside of me."
Person 2: "Let me get closer ... I have a hell inside me where your demons can live."
(from Dark Winter, #2 - out Halloween 2014) — John Hennessy

Are you sure she's dead, because if not, I'm not entirely sure we're supposed to do this. It's against the rules."
"We're standing over a body that we caused the death of, and you're bothered about rules? — John Hennessy

We're supposed to love flowers, yet we rip them from their homes, and give them to people who don't love us.
-Toril Withers (Dark Winter). — John Hennessy

The difference between me and everyone else out there, is that when they wake up, their nightmares end.
Romilly Winter. — John Hennessy