Jody Hill Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 9 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jody Hill.
Famous Quotes By Jody Hill

I think every filmmaker wants ... I don't know about every filmmaker. I certainly want my films to just exist. I want them to be judged for what they are and analyzed, accepted, criticized, whatever you want to call it, on their own terms, not as part of some mall-cop genre. — Jody Hill

I don't know if there's anything intrinsically funny about Tae Kwon Do. — Jody Hill

I'm not really trying to be too much of an actor or anything. — Jody Hill

I don't see myself making comedies always. — Jody Hill

Like, I'm a big fan of films from the '70s, like Cassavetes and things, where they just keep the dialogue really loose and just kind of roll, you know what I mean? — Jody Hill

I grew up doing martial arts, and it's one of these things where I always kind of liked acting, but I was never real serious about it. — Jody Hill

I like writing my own stuff. If a book came along I would maybe do that. — Jody Hill

I think it's cool when Scorsese will pop up in a movie or something like that. I never want to make a career out of that or anything. I like directing. That's my favorite thing. — Jody Hill