Joanna Bourne Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 19 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Joanna Bourne.
Famous Quotes By Joanna Bourne

It was an ancient policy with her to be on good terms with anything that outweighed her and had so many teeth, so she broke the bacon in two and gave him the smaller piece. He was a dog. He would not realize he had been slighted. — Joanna Bourne

And fetch some straw.
We'll put it between us and the ground. No reason we shouldn't sleep soft tonight."
"Straw. I love luxury. — Joanna Bourne

Her breasts were nudging out of her bodice. And ... he had his hand on one of
them. When did that happen? God. He jerked away fast and took hold of her shoulder instead. That was neutral ground up there. "Sorry. Don't mean
anything by that. An accident."
Fine pair of breasts she had. White as split almonds. Round as peaches. The nipples peeked out, since the fichu wasn't doing its job. A pair of
dark little roses, pulled up into buds. Tasty looking. And if he got any closer he could put his mouth down and lick them.
That's going to reassure her - you slavering at her tits. — Joanna Bourne

The good news was, she probably hadn't brought him here to gut him. If she wanted him dead, she'd be sensible about it and stab him in the street. She was complex, not perverse. — Joanna Bourne

One cannot walk straight when the path is crooked. A BALDONI SAYING — Joanna Bourne

Who do you belong to, Jess?" he asked, real quiet.
"I belong to myself. — Joanna Bourne

Antonio stepped into Pax's path and said, in English, "Go back to Lazarus and tell him we'll settle whatever claim he has on Sara. She is Baldoni. Ours. Run tell him that, figlio di puttana."
"He's not from Lazarus," she snapped.
"All the better," Antonio said. "Nothing to stop me from cutting his bollocks off."
"You will leave his bollocks precisely as they are."
"I am your closest male relation - "
"You are my closest male idiot. No-one removes any man's balls on my behalf. I will do whatever castrating is necessary among my acquaintance."
"Children," Uncle Bernadro said midly, "he speaks Italian. — Joanna Bourne

I want to climb on top and lace my fingers right down into the marrow of your bones and cast off and fly. I want to sail you like a kite in the sky. I want you holding on to me for dear life. — Joanna Bourne

Carrying lockpicks was one bad sign. On the other hand, Owl was taking long enough getting the lock open she almost counted as honest.
"I'm not going to offer to do that," he said. "It'd just annoy you."
"If you do not wish to annoy me, be silent. I'm trying to be quiet about this. — Joanna Bourne

She wakes up all at once, all over, smooth as a cat. Probably there's cat in her ancestry someplace. Those old noble French families ... " "No telling, with the French. Inventive people. — Joanna Bourne

Hope for the best. Expect the worst. Plan for both. — Joanna Bourne

I don't know if tea really helps when one feels precarious, but it does give one something warm to hold on to. A kitten would work just as well, but we don't have one at the moment. They will grow into cats. — Joanna Bourne

The universe had been treating her with great sarcasm lately. — Joanna Bourne

I hate getting old," Violet said. "I do, too. But the alternative is worse. — Joanna Bourne

Find peace and prosperity in a house and you will find a woman ruling. — Joanna Bourne

She had reached an accommodation with darkness months ago. She knew a thousand tricks of moving without sight that these men had never dreamed of. The night was her friendly kingdom, ready to hide her. None of them could outrun her in the dark. — Joanna Bourne

She wanted to hit him with something, not in a lethal manner, but hard. — Joanna Bourne