Jill Dawson Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 9 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jill Dawson.
Famous Quotes By Jill Dawson

That's a rare thing: to love someone, not for how you think of them, but for how they think of themselves. — Jill Dawson

(I never crush a relationship dead, I once boasted. Meaning: I always leave something in case I want to pick it up later.) — Jill Dawson

I'm grateful to her. This habit women have - a role Helen often claimed not to want - of telling me what I'm feeling. Tremendously helpful. Like having an interpreter at hand to translate you to yourself. — Jill Dawson

What did that feel like, to be a girl like Helen, unguarded, straightforward, who had allowed me to unpeel her like a mollusc from its shell, only to find that the exposure was devastating? That entrusting yourself entirely to someone can make you want to die? Helen, does it mean anything at all that I'm thinking these thoughts? That I'm able to remember and construct things differently? That for the first time I glimpsed it there from your point of view? Does it mean it's all over for me, for the old me? — Jill Dawson

Why does she always have the moral high ground, what is it about women, always behaving so well and thinking of things we should have thought of first and shaming us? — Jill Dawson

It needs time, perspective, to show you that someone might be original. — Jill Dawson

You know how I used to joke that your mother had three thousand six hundred and twenty-two feelings and I had the requisite five basic ones which have an evolutionary purpose? Because, quite frankly, most of the time I didn't know what the bloody hell she was on about? Well, since coming round from surgery I'm finding myself having others, another . . . perhaps the sixth emotion. — Jill Dawson

My ex-wife did once accuse me of treating my own needs as if they were instructions and everyone else's needs as impediments. — Jill Dawson

Yes. Happiness, anxiety, sadness, anger and disgust. It's none of those. So it might be . . . wonder. — Jill Dawson