Jeremy Tiang Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jeremy Tiang.
Famous Quotes By Jeremy Tiang

She looked at me like I was stupid, the same look the girls in JC used to give me when I hadn't heard of the latest boy band, or turned up at Zouk wearing unfashionable clothes. — Jeremy Tiang

...the Party always makes you spend a bit of time getting to know people on the ground before you leave them behind, so if you do well enough to stand for election you can claim to have grassroots support. — Jeremy Tiang

I am writing this on a computer that I can't imagine living without. This is an alarming thought, the extent to which I have organised my life around a metal box full of wires (and, via the Internet, to many other metal boxes full of wires). Someone told me most of the Internet is stored in a warehouse somewhere in North Carolina. I don't know enough about technology to gauge if this is true, but it made me realise how little I actually understand about the world I inhabit. The world of Dr Wong's childhood was significantly smaller than mine, but he understood every square inch of it. — Jeremy Tiang

Many years later, Sophia will think of this night, and how close she was to tears. She will wonder how she could have allowed herself to arrive there, but also feel a twinge of loss for the girl still capable of losing control. — Jeremy Tiang

I'd had enough --- this country, it suffocates you, if you aren't careful. So I went away --- — Jeremy Tiang