Jean Amery Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jean Amery.
Famous Quotes By Jean Amery

Since being a Jew not only means that I bear within me a catastrophe that occurred yesterday and cannot be ruled out for tomorrow, it is-beyond being a duty-also fear. Every morning when I get up I can read the Auschwitz number on my forearm, something that touches the deepest and most closely intertwined roots of my existence; indeed I am not even sure if this is not my entire existence. Then I feel approximately as I did back then when I got a taste of the first blow from a policeman's fist. Every day anew I lose my trust in the world. — Jean Amery

[F]or me, being a Jew means feeling the tragedy of yesterday as an inner oppression. On my left forearm I bear the Auschwitz number; it reads more briefly than the Pentateuch or the Talmud and yet provides more thorough information. It is also more binding than basic formulas of Jewish existence. If to myself and the world, including the religious and nationally minded Jews, who do not regard me as one of their own, I say: I am a Jew, then I mean by that those realities and possibilities that are summed up in the Auschwitz number. — Jean Amery

Life ... is a burden. The day about to begin is an oppressive weight ... The erect penis is heavy, even heavier the hanging one. Even the most tender breast has to be dragged along. — Jean Amery

The tortured always remain tortured. — Jean Amery