Jane Merchant Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jane Merchant.
Famous Quotes By Jane Merchant

I do not say there were no hurts. / I say they mattered less than love. — Jane Merchant

It's satisfaction to the soul / To make something out of nothing, and to trim / A figured piece to fit a gaping hole, / And turn and twist and scheme until it matches. / There's nothing more respectable than patches. — Jane Merchant

And all the hurts and scars / Of everyday were healed, and I would sleep / Safe with the good-night memory of stars. — Jane Merchant

It was enough to lie there and expand / Till all the stars were shining into me / And I was all the stars that I could see / In all the endless acres of the night. / That was the best of living. — Jane Merchant

We will not speak of separation / While the frail hours grow less. / Nothing shall mar the brief perfection / Of our togetherness.
Walk gently — Jane Merchant

While we were counting stars, / The stars were counting us. — Jane Merchant