Jane Alison Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jane Alison.
Famous Quotes By Jane Alison

Just as there can be a hole in these narratives, a memoir can be as much about what's forgotten as what's remembered. — Jane Alison

Making a self can be like writing, and now I think writing can be like home: a space you make that you dwell in and roam through for hours every day, a space that's absolutely yours. — Jane Alison

When you're sixteen or seventeen meaning can be anywhere. A drop of rain running down the window is a symbol, a song comes on the radio just when you longed for it, you have the same initials as the boy for whom you're sick, secret messages await you in poems. It's like living in a net of logic, of systems of words and significance. — Jane Alison

This stream of watching made what was watched wanted. — Jane Alison