James Whitfield Thomson Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by James Whitfield Thomson.
Famous Quotes By James Whitfield Thomson

I lay awake long into the night, obsessing over Lucy's failings. Never mind the drugs and adultery; she seemed to lack the most basic parental instincts for keeping the children out of harm's way. The drip, drip, drip of her poor judgment and neglect was pushing me over the edge. — James Whitfield Thomson

I said Matt was too perfect. I was tired of trying to love him, tired of the burden of being loved. How could anyone live with all that devotion and understanding? The scale was tilted so far in my favor it felt like an unbearable weight, a fortune I was compelled to squander. — James Whitfield Thomson

The lies you wanted to hear were the easiest ones to tell. — James Whitfield Thomson

I was twenty-eight years old and I'd been around the block enough to know that sooner or later every romance turns into a negotiation. It's a matter of give and take. Give too little and you breed resentments, take too little and you start feeling used. How does a candlelight dinner stack up against changing the oil in her car? Is getting a blowjob worth the same as giving her a back rub? Before long you're both keeping a ledger. Tallying things up. — James Whitfield Thomson

Any fool can be happy, she liked to say. The hard part is feeling like you matter — James Whitfield Thomson

The trouble with the past is, it's never really over. Just keeps coming back and biting you in the ass. — James Whitfield Thomson