Jae T. Jaggart Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 15 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Jae T. Jaggart.
Famous Quotes By Jae T. Jaggart

It doesn't always have to be my cock up your arse, Ben," Evander rasped. "But if you don't hurry, I swear to Christ and the angels I will throw you on your back and fuck you through the mattress myself. — Jae T. Jaggart

They mistrust you because they think you'll be the death of me," Roark said softly. "Tell me, Nix. Will you? — Jae T. Jaggart

His sinner, huh? His very own personal sinner. Somehow the concept was very, very appealing. — Jae T. Jaggart

I mean something dirty, sweaty," Luiz corrected idly, leaning closer. He stroked the back of his knuckles down Michael's cheek. "What I like best. Rock, blues, with an edge of metal. Something dangerous. Real. The audience driven to ... well, in the old days it would have been bloodlust. But these are more temperate times. So lust will have to do. — Jae T. Jaggart

Christ." Evander fell back against the pillows, giving in with a smirk. "What the fuck have I unleashed?"
"The man that you wanted me to be."
Blue eyes burnt on his face as he glanced up at his lover. "The man I always knew you were," he was corrected. — Jae T. Jaggart

No. Cut me, if you get off on it. I'll enjoy it. I'll enjoy bleeding for you, hurting for you. I enjoy giving you pleasure, Cash," Zee said softly. "Haven't you worked that out yet? Anything you want. Anytime. Any which way. — Jae T. Jaggart

You've got to be kidding me. You're propositioning me in a church?"
"Now where else are you going to be civil to me? — Jae T. Jaggart

I've lost a guardian angel and gained a muse. — Jae T. Jaggart

You liked watching Lucrezia and her consort," Roark observed, ignoring his comment and switching the subject, taking Nix's earlobe between his white teeth and nipping it, hard. He licked at the blood. "The cruel face of their love. It turned you on. Hard. — Jae T. Jaggart

My beautiful intellectual. My mad Egyptologist. — Jae T. Jaggart

You like broken things?" Cash muttered.
Zee bit down hard on his plush lower lip. His face was darkly flushed, his fingers tight against Cash's skull. "Love them," he gritted. "Nothing like a project. — Jae T. Jaggart

You're so hungry for success, more. I can almost feel the crossroads looming... Do you know there's a legend that certain musicians sold their souls to the devil for their skill? Johnson. Paganini." Luiz laughed at the shift of Michael's hips, the grind of Michael's cock into his hand, released him to add, "And certain metal bands for money and fame. — Jae T. Jaggart

Rough love. Hard, edgy love. Love that made you bleed. Love hard to find, the kind of love you fought to keep. — Jae T. Jaggart

Just drive, rock star. Drive fast. Very fast. Because I've got a shopping list ten miles long of the things you're going to be doing to me. — Jae T. Jaggart

Benedict somehow found the words he needed. "I give up, Evander. All the battles, the fights. The walls. Broken, defeated, breached. You've won. — Jae T. Jaggart