Hilary Thompson Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 10 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Hilary Thompson.
Famous Quotes By Hilary Thompson

All stories are true, Astrea. By speaking them aloud, we bring them to life. Once words mingle with breath and sound, they become something new and alive. — Hilary Thompson

Trust isn't always about telling the truth in everything, Trea. Yes, you need honesty to develop trust. But trust also involves knowing someone will be there to hold you when you can't even get out of bed. Someone who will stay with you, even when you don't deserve it, because their world doesn't turn without you in it. — Hilary Thompson

Keep your faith in all things hidden. We believe in the stars when we cannot see them. We believe in the sun when it no longer shines for us. And we believe in the universal truth even when it is not shown clearly. — Hilary Thompson

I wish there were a way to show Trea how I could give her things she doesn't even know she needs. I could fill a spot she won't even admit is empty. — Hilary Thompson

History is written by people. People aren't always honest with others, or with themselves. — Hilary Thompson

Love means you give your hand, and you give your heart, and you give your soul. And the other person keeps those things so close and so tight and so precious that you've never really lost anything. — Hilary Thompson

Everyone in the world has lost someone they care for. That doesn't mean you stop caring. — Hilary Thompson

I'm seventeen today and dressed for a party. But I can't move. I can't think, much less move. I can't breathe, much less think. This is the moment when my life will change forever. — Hilary Thompson

But when people are tested, they gain strength. When they are broken, they heal stronger. — Hilary Thompson

Well, I'm sorry to keep bringing it up, but I never anticipated there would be such animosity between you two as you grew up. I kept hoping those growth hormones would turn on and she would flower out a little for you."
"Mother. That's weird. We aren't plants. And if Trea were a plant, she'd be one of those eating ones from the old books. — Hilary Thompson