Hermann Poppelbaum Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Hermann Poppelbaum.
Famous Quotes By Hermann Poppelbaum

...the great experiences which form him, arise out of the discontinuity and disharmony between man and the world. Particularly in great personalities, we see how much of their beauty and excellence is really due to trials suffered earlier at the hands of the world. Beauty--as many have recognized--is pain suffered and transformed. Because the animal is adapted to its environment, it is denied the possibility of developing inward maturity and greatness. As an individual creature it cannot grow beyond the limits of its kind; and again, at death, it falls back with its capacities into the group Ego, from which its soul was something like an offshoot or a patrol sent out on reconnaissance. — Hermann Poppelbaum

...forgetting and perfecting freely, with open hand giving back to the world the gifts received, thus it is that the Ego stands in the current of life's events. Because a man bears this and no other Ego he has particular experiences, out of which certain deeds--and misdeeds--issue. — Hermann Poppelbaum

Out of past experience it flows into the present quality of the human soul and out of this into deed and their effects, and from these on into the future. What if this future will at some time be the past? How if the deeds performed are also, further on ahead, to remain bound up with the Ego? Might not the Ego which was over-looking, guarding and guiding the whole of the stream's course, determine that from all this, in the far future, new experiences should develop? — Hermann Poppelbaum