Henry Dwight Sedgwick Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Henry Dwight Sedgwick.
Famous Quotes By Henry Dwight Sedgwick

The fundamental truth of democracy is the belief that the real pleasures of life are increased by sharing them. — Henry Dwight Sedgwick

To us to-day this period of transition, with its mediaeval mixture of commerce, religion, and war, of emotion and logic, of admiration for St. Augustine and belief in the infallibility of Aristotle, looks extremely odd. We forget that our generation may be in danger of similar criticism. Odd or not, this was the state of Italy in the period preceding that great burst of the arts and intellectual life known as the Renaissance. FOOTNOTES: — Henry Dwight Sedgwick

The future, and the future alone, is the home of explanation. — Henry Dwight Sedgwick