Famous Quotes & Sayings

Hendrie Weisinger Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy the top 2 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Hendrie Weisinger.

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Famous Quotes By Hendrie Weisinger

Hendrie Weisinger Quotes 1031047

These small wins matter more because they are so much more likely to occur compared to the big break-throughs in the world. If we only waited for the big wins, we would be waiting a long time. And we would probably quit long before we saw anything tangible come to fruition. What you need instead of big wins is simply the forward momentum that small wins bring. — Hendrie Weisinger

Hendrie Weisinger Quotes 1827729

Like a beta-blocker, confidence acts as a neurochemical antidote that allows them - allows each of us - to move forward even when we are feeling the physical and psychological manifestations of pressure. — Hendrie Weisinger