Hallie Burnett Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Hallie Burnett.
Famous Quotes By Hallie Burnett

The short story ... is the most democratic of all the arts; anyone may tell a story, and if it is an absorbing one someone will listen. — Hallie Burnett

It is in writing of the emotions that style becomes most individual, in moments of passion, betrayal, of life and death. — Hallie Burnett

A mere chronicle of observed events will produce only journalism; combined with a sensitive memory, it can produce art. — Hallie Burnett

One remembers different persons differently, some by the impact they have made on our emotions, and others by the impression they leave in our minds. — Hallie Burnett

Writing is not hard work, it is simply an obsession ... — Hallie Burnett