Gwen Cooper Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 17 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Gwen Cooper.
Famous Quotes By Gwen Cooper

Years don't begin and end because everybody gets together at the same time and says they do. Years really start when important things happen to you. When you're born. When you find the human you're going to live with forever. Your life begins when it becomes important. — Gwen Cooper

So I didn't adopt Homer because he was cute and little and sweet, or because he was helpless and needed me. I adopted him because when you think you see something so fundamentally worthwhile in someone else, you don't look for the reasons - like bad timing or a negative bank balance - that might keep it out of your life. You commit to being strong enough to build your life around it, no matter what. In doing so, you begin to become the thing you admire. — Gwen Cooper

What happened was that I caught a glimpse of something I desperately needed to believe in at that point in my life. I wanted to believe there could be something within you that was so essential and so courageous that nothing - no boyfriend, no employer, no trauma - could tarnish or rob you of it. And if you had that kind of unbreakable core, not only would it always be yours, but even in your darkest moments others would see it in you, and help you out before the worse came to the absolute worst. — Gwen Cooper

Mocho was a Spanish word that meant maimed or referred to something that had been lopped off like a stump. To call Homer el mocho was, essentially, to call him "Stumpy" or "the maimed one."
It doesn't sound particularly flattering, but among Spanish speakers the giving of nicknames is tantamount to a declaration of love. Things that would sound insulting outright in English were tokens of deep affection when said in Spanish. — Gwen Cooper

Love is love, whether it goes on two legs or four. — Gwen Cooper

A friend once asked me why it was that stories about animals and their heroism ... are so compelling.
... we love them because they're the closest thing we have to material evidence of an objective moral order
or, to put it another way, they're the closest thing we have to proof of the existence of God. They seem to prove that the things that matter to and move us the most
things like love, courage, loyalty, altruism
aren't just ideas we made up from nothing. To see them demonstrated in other animals proves they're real things, that they exist in the world independently of what humans invent and tell each other in the form of myth or fable. — Gwen Cooper

But the burden of appearing to be fine, so as to keep others from worrying about her, was almost worse than simply allowing herself to feel bad would have been. — Gwen Cooper

That was something else I'd learned from Homer - sometimes, to get the things that were good in life, you had to make a blind leap. — Gwen Cooper

Have you seen a blowfish driving a sports car? — Gwen Cooper

As long as he's eating and he's happy. — Gwen Cooper

He had curled himself up into a minature sphere in the farthest corner of the box, a fuzzy softball that would have fit eaisly into the palm of my hand. — Gwen Cooper

There was a terrible danger in loving small, fragile things. — Gwen Cooper

If I had learned one thing from Homer over the years, it was that just because you couldn't quite see your way out of a difficulty, that didn't mean a way out didn't exist. — Gwen Cooper

My philosophy when it came to pets was much like that of having children: You got what you got, and you loved them unconditionally regardless of whatever their personalities or flaws turned out to be. — Gwen Cooper