Georges Brassens Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Georges Brassens.
Famous Quotes By Georges Brassens

Ah, if only a few more massacres would suffice To sort it all out once and for all With so many uprisings and so many fallen heads In Paradise we should all be by now! But the wished-for Golden Age is endlessly postponed The gods remain so thirsty, they are insatiable Thus it is death, an endless cycle of death — Georges Brassens

It is for you this song
You, the stranger who, without fuss,
Though downtrodden yourself still smiled at me,
When the policemen took me off.
You who didn't join the applause when
The upper crust women and men
All the people with good intentions
Laughed to see me being led away.
It was merely a touch of honey
But it warmed my body through
And in my soul it burns on still
As the bright sun would do...
You, the stranger, when you will die
When the mortician bears you off
May he take you across the sky,
To the Father Eternal. — Georges Brassens

I've left this life with no rancour, I'll never have toothache again, Now I lie in the communal grave, the communal grave of time. — Georges Brassens

Girls when it says "I love you" - it's like a second baptism - It gives them a whole new heart - As at the end of the egg. — Georges Brassens