George A. Panichas Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 2 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by George A. Panichas.
Famous Quotes By George A. Panichas

No authentic conservative metaphysic can be operable when the discipline of God and the discipline of the soul have been ceded to the doxai, the dialectical structures and superstructures of modern life. — George A. Panichas

...inner life is inadequately recognised or honoured by many conservative leaders and spokesmen, in word or in work. In effect the theology of conservatism has been sacrificed to the new gods and the new morality of modernity. The discipline of spiritual conservatism has been manifestly lessened by its own peculiar form of liberation theology, as it were, and by the purely quantitative point of view prevailing in the marketplace of ideas. — George A. Panichas