Famous Quotes & Sayings

Gary Holland Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy the top 9 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Gary Holland.

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Famous Quotes By Gary Holland

Gary Holland Quotes 304859

Art is about communication. Art that lasts through the ages works symbolically. It triggers feelings and experiences that we've all had. — Gary Holland

Gary Holland Quotes 777371

It's not our art, but our heart that's on display. — Gary Holland

Gary Holland Quotes 905781

Creating art alone doesn't seem to fill us up, in my opinion, until we begin to truly communicate with it. — Gary Holland

Gary Holland Quotes 325786

I wake up every morning excited. Rather than become complacent or overwhelmed, I've made a choice for life - and I can do something about it. — Gary Holland

Gary Holland Quotes 1394307

Every child is a deliberate, passionate creation of God. If you doubt that, just look into their eyes. You will find a gentle little spirit who hungers for life - and for your love. — Gary Holland

Gary Holland Quotes 1990188

I've come out of seeing death and chosen to focus on the life that's sprouting everywhere, like flowers. And I want to help feed the flowers. — Gary Holland

Gary Holland Quotes 2194140

I've never met an artist whose spirit didn't want to fly. — Gary Holland

Gary Holland Quotes 2236654

The current fad in art, is to shock people or appear 'different' ... My goal is to help people find the rays of sunshine in an often dark world. — Gary Holland

Gary Holland Quotes 2263678

I endeavor to trigger positive, empowering, life-giving emotion - I believe art is that powerful. — Gary Holland