Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Gail Sidonie Sobat.
Famous Quotes By Gail Sidonie Sobat
I wonder why peopke are so afraid of love. Of different kinds of love. I just don't get it. Why aren't we afraid of racism Of war? But love? It just doesn't make sense. — Gail Sidonie Sobat
Famous Quotes
The Father wipes the silver chalice with a beautiful linen rag large as a small tablecloth, turns the cup two inches each time to keep you from having to drink where the last worshipper lipped it, as if that takes care of the germs. But I don't care, I always reach out very piously - that's to say, in slow motion, the way you move for some reason to take and eat the body of Our Savior - reach out and lay my hand over the Father's in somber reverence to the moment and then press down as the silver rim clears my upper lip and suck a slug of wine that should have fed six communers. I have to, because the bread of His body is stuck to the roof of my mouth like a rubber tire patch, and if I can't wash it loose by swishing His blood around, I'm going to have to dig it off with a finger, in slow motion, and possibly gag. When" Author: Padgett Powell