Gabriel Wyner Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Gabriel Wyner.
Famous Quotes By Gabriel Wyner

Order is important. In language classes, you'll typically learn words in thematic order because it's a comfortable way to organize classes ("Today, we're going to learn about animals!") and it's a comfortable way to learn ("Today, I learned about animals!"). But there's an unintended consequence of doing this: you get your words mixed up. I learned all of my French numbers and colors at the same time, and I still have problems remembering whether sept is six or seven, or whether jaune is yellow or green. This is borne out by the research: when you learn a bunch of similar words at once, you'll have a harder time remembering which one is which. — Gabriel Wyner

The thread between these two goals - remembering now and remembering later - starts small and grows rapidly. You'll begin with short intervals (two to four days) between practice sessions. Every time you successfully remember, you'll increase the interval (e.g., nine days, three weeks, two months, six months, etc.), quickly reaching intervals of years. This keeps your sessions challenging enough to continuously drive facts into your long-term memory. — Gabriel Wyner

An accurate accent is powerful because it is the ultimate gesture of empathy. It connects you to another person's culture in a way that words never can, because you have bent your body as well as your mind to match that person's culture. Anyone can learn "bawn-JURE" in a few seconds. To learn how bonjour fits your companion's mouth and tongue; to learn how to manipulate the muscles, the folds, and even the texture of your throat and lips to match your companion's -- this is an unmistakable, undeniable, and irresistable gesture of care. — Gabriel Wyner

The real question my students are asking is "Why doesn't grammar make sense?"
And the answer is illuminating: grammar is a mirror to ourselves. — Gabriel Wyner

Our capacity for visual memory is extraordinary; we only need to learn how to take advantage of it. — Gabriel Wyner

Extra repetition is known as overlearning, and it doesn't help long-term memory at all. Can you remember a single fact from the last school test you crammed for? Can you even remember the test itself? If we're going to invest our time in a language, we want to remember for months, years, or decades. If we can't achieve this goal by working harder, then we'll do it by working as little as possible. — Gabriel Wyner