G. E. M. Skues Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by G. E. M. Skues.
Famous Quotes By G. E. M. Skues

The indications which tell your dry fly angler when to strike are clear and unmistakable, but those which bid a wet fly man raise his rod-point and draw in the steel are frequently so subtle, so evanescent and impalpable to the senses, that, when the bending rod assures him that he has divined aright, he feels an ecstacy as though he had performed a miracle each time. — G. E. M. Skues

Then do you mean that I have got to go on catching these damned two-and-a-half pounders at this corner forever and ever? The keeper nodded. Hell! said Mr. Castwell. Yes , said his keeper. — G. E. M. Skues

I imagine that no art has ever been learned from books. fly-fishing is no exception. — G. E. M. Skues