Frank Natale Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Frank Natale.
Famous Quotes By Frank Natale

Love is the only constant, the only reality, and when you accept and understand that you will know it. — Frank Natale

To be conscious and enlightened, Spirit must fill our bodies. Trance Dancing is an invitation to Spirit to embody us. When Spirit accepts, we dance from the inside out. — Frank Natale

Most paths of self-correction purposely increase the effort and struggle to achieve these states or vibrations. They insist that you must 'earn it' or 'handle it' or 'surrender to it' or 'get it' when the truth is you already have immediate access to all of it. — Frank Natale

When you are conscious you have all the relationships you choose to have. When you choose to be healthy and prosperous you are clear about what your body requires and the direction your career is headed. — Frank Natale

Middle age is not the beginning of decline, but a time to reach for the highest in our selves. Middle age is a pause to re-examine what we have done and what we will do in the future. This is the time to give birth to our power. — Frank Natale

Change is superficial. Transformation is deep. It alters our perception of reality and therefore causes everything in our life to shift. Transformation is what happens when we live our life rather than analyze it. — Frank Natale