Franck Thilliez Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Franck Thilliez.
Famous Quotes By Franck Thilliez

We all go through it. Kids exist to remind us that our priorities aren't always the ones we think. Even if it's hard sometimes, they put order in our lives. — Franck Thilliez

So you've probably already shown them Bernard and Bianca - The Rescuers." "Like every other mom." "That cartoon contains a subliminal image of a naked woman hiding in a window, at one point. A small personal quirk of the animator's, no doubt. Don't worry, it won't have any effect on your children's minds - the image is too tiny! The fact remains that no one ever saw it, in all the years that cartoon was being shown. — Franck Thilliez

The superior officer raised his ice-blue eyes, then went back to his chore without exhibiting any particular emotion. If the colonel was involved in the affair, Sharko thought, if he had kept up with the news following the discovery of the bodies in Gravenchon, he would certainly know Sharko's face, who he was. If so, had he been steeling himself for this visit since the corporal on guard had called ahead? Or had he simply not recognized him? — Franck Thilliez

In the dead of night, his keen senses suddenly focused on the entry door. An infinitesimal sound of metal pierced the silence in the hallway. Immediately, Sharko turned off the light and grabbed up his Sig. Here they were. Beneath his door, he saw, very briefly, the beam of a flashlight, before everything went black again. His jaw set, he slowly got up from his chair and crept toward the living room. On the other side, the linoleum floor creaked slightly. Sharko felt the edge of his sofa and crouched down, his gun aimed blindly in front of him. He could have attacked from the front, by surprise, but he didn't know how many there were. One thing was for sure: they rarely went out alone. — Franck Thilliez

What Lucie was hearing surpassed all understanding. A mass derangement, with the aid of bogus medical records and money under the table. — Franck Thilliez

Someone asks three people, a German, a Frenchman, and an Egyptian, what Adam and Eve's nationality was. The German answers, 'Adam and Eve exude good health and vital hygiene: they must be German!' The Frenchman declares, 'Adam and Eve have sublime, erotic bodies: they can only be French!' But the Egyptian concludes, 'Adam and Eve are naked as jaybirds, they don't have enough to buy shoes, and yet they're convinced they live in Paradise: what else could they be but Egyptians? — Franck Thilliez