Eric Schmidt Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 100 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Eric Schmidt.
Famous Quotes By Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 214947 Eric Schmidt Quotes 214947](
Google is more than a business. Google is a belief system. And we believe passionately in the open Internet model. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1986854 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1986854](
Companies come up with elaborate, often passive-aggressive ways to say no: processes to follow, approvals to get, meetings to attend. No is like a tiny death to smart creatives. No is a signal that the company has lost its start-up verve, that it's too corporate. Enough no's, and smart creatives stop asking and start heading to the exits. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 269806 Eric Schmidt Quotes 269806](
By the summer of 2012, the majority of the televisions you see in stores will have Google TV embedded. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1271499 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1271499](
As Nietzsche wrote in Thus Spake Zarathustra: "You must be proud of your enemy; then your enemy's successes are also your successes."87 Be proud of your competitors. Just don't follow them. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 2102233 Eric Schmidt Quotes 2102233](
Since I have access to every, every crisis in the world because it's always blaring at me on cable television, that doesn't mean I have to worry about every one of them. This is also known as knowing where the off button is. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1652322 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1652322](
We're about to see an acceleration in technological platforms that, for marketers, will be on a scale rivalled only by the arrival of color TV. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 469073 Eric Schmidt Quotes 469073](
In a world of asynchronous threats, it is too dangerous for there not to be some way to identify you. We need a [verified] name service for people. Governments will demand it. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1232396 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1232396](
I still believe that sitting down and reading a book is the best way to really learn something. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1508246 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1508246](
People are good at intuition, living our lives. What are computers good at? Memory. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1341461 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1341461](
When things are running perfectly smoothly, with people and boxes on charts enjoying a one-to-one relationship, then the processes and infrastructure have caught up to the business. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1543268 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1543268](
We want to make sure the thing you're looking for is on Google 100 percent of the time. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1564565 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1564565](
In other words, if you can't win the game, change the rules. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1576922 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1576922](
One person's definition of evil is another person's different definition. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1591112 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1591112](
Google dress code was: "You must wear something". — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1608415 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1608415](
Favoring specialization over intelligence is exactly wrong, especially in high tech. The world is changing so fast across every industry and endeavor that it's a given the role for which you're hiring is going to change. Yesterday's widget will be obsolete tomorrow, and hiring a specialist in such a dynamic environment can backfire. A specialist brings an inherent bias to solving problems that spawns from the very expertise that is his putative advantage, and may be threatened by a new type of solution that requires new expertise. A smart generalist doesn't have bias, so is free to survey the wide range of solutions and gravitate to the best one. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1656769 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1656769](
I use Google+, and I find the quality of the comments are very sophisticated because there is more trust inside of Google+ than there is inside of Twitter and Facebook, for example. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1665988 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1665988](
One advantage of hierarchical, process-laden organizations is that it's easy to figure out with whom you need to talk: Just look for the right box on the right chart, and you've got your person. But the steady state of a successful Internet Century venture is chaos. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1496457 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1496457](
People assume that computers will do everything that humans do. Not good. People are different from each other and they are all really different from computers. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1406330 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1406330](
General Electric CEO Jack Welch said in Winning: No vision is worth the paper it's printed on unless it is communicated constantly and reinforced with rewards. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1380855 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1380855](
The business should always be outrunning the processes, so chaos is right where you want to be. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1363510 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1363510](
Knaves are not to be confused with divas. Knavish behavior is a product of low integrity; diva-ish behavior is one of high exceptionalism. Knaves prioritize the individual over the team; divas think they are better than the team, but want success equally for both. Knaves need to be dealt with as quickly as possible. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1795506 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1795506](
To me, what you want to do is find a way to let this play out between the virtual world and the physical world ... Ultimately, I think society will get there. It will be messy, but we'll get there. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1337229 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1337229](
Google is very much a not-invented-here, build-it-ourselves culture. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1311302 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1311302](
I leave out the parts that people skip. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1213090 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1213090](
The average American doesn't realize how much of the laws are written by lobbyists. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1198059 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1198059](
This is a common refrain you hear in Silicon Valley: the CEO who picks up the stack of newspapers outside the front door, the founder who wipes the counters. With these actions, the leaders demonstrate their egalitarian natures - we're all in this together and none of us are above the menial tasks that need to get done. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1195615 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1195615](
Give the wrong people a big challenge, and you'll induce anxiety. But give it to the right people, and you'll induce joy. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1190786 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1190786](
A technical insight is a new way of applying technology or design that either drives down the cost or increases the functions and usability of the product by a significant factor. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1934580 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1934580](
You need to have confidence in your people, and enough self-confidence to let them identify a better way. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 2265317 Eric Schmidt Quotes 2265317](
Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement and the ability to create something which is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 2182257 Eric Schmidt Quotes 2182257](
We say we're stubborn on vision and flexible on details. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 2180740 Eric Schmidt Quotes 2180740](
Google docs and spreadsheets don't work if you're on an airplane. But it's a technical problem that is going to get solved. Eventually you will be able to work on a plane as if you are connected and, then when you get reconnected to the Internet, your computer will just synchronize with the cloud. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 2153380 Eric Schmidt Quotes 2153380](
For those who say you're thinking too big ... be smart enough not to listen. For those who say the odds are too small ... be dumb enough to give it a shot. And for those who ask, how can you do that? ... look them in the eyes and say, Ill figure it out. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 2103515 Eric Schmidt Quotes 2103515](
Establishing a successful hiring culture that delivers a steady stream of outstanding people starts with understanding the role of recruiters in sourcing candidates. Hint: It isn't their exclusive realm. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 2071619 Eric Schmidt Quotes 2071619](
The Internet is the largest experiment involving anarchy in history. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 2059034 Eric Schmidt Quotes 2059034](
I used to say that you'll have 10 IP address on your body ... and it looks like that's going to happen through medical monitoring. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 2051548 Eric Schmidt Quotes 2051548](
Keep in mind, from the outset, that the best way to avoid having to fire underperformers is not to hire them. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1994202 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1994202](
The rise of Google, the rise of Facebook, the rise of Apple, I think are proof that there is a place for computer science as something that solves problems that people face every day. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1983330 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1983330](
The coach doesn't have to play the sport as well as you do. They have to watch you and get you to be your best. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1948260 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1948260](
I've never met a person who does not want a safer world, better medical care and education for their children, and peace with their neighbours. I just don't meet those people. What I meet, over and over again, as I travel around, is that the essential human condition is optimistic - in every one of these places. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1685193 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1685193](
People are surprised to find out that an awful lot of people think that they're idiots. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1890618 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1890618](
information systems will streamline many of them for people living in those countries, such as integrated clothing machines (washing, drying, folding, pressing and sorting) that keep an inventory of clean clothes and algorithmically suggest outfits based on the user's daily schedule. Haircuts will finally be automated and machine-precise. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1886476 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1886476](
Tom Lehrer line - "Life is like a sewer: What you get out of it depends on what you put into it"112 - and a promise that if they put real effort into the exercises, he will help them. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1816345 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1816345](
Work-life balance. This is another touchstone of supposedly "enlightened" management practices that can be insulting to smart, dedicated employees. The phrase itself is part of the problem: For many people, work is an important part of life, not something to be separated. The best cultures invite and enable people to be overworked in a good way, with too many interesting things to do both at work and at home. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1815108 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1815108](
A great start-up, a great project - a great job, for that matter - should be fun, and if you're working your butt off without deriving any enjoyment, something's probably wrong. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1811218 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1811218](
The issues of wireless versus wireline gets very messy. And that's really an FCC issue, not a Google issue. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1805184 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1805184](
The trend has been mobile was winning. It's now won. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1796654 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1796654](
There is a science to managing high tech businesses, and it needs to be respected. One of them is that in technology businesses, leadership is temporary. It's constantly recycling. So the asset has limited lifetime. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1138149 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1138149](
When you use Google, do you get more than one answer? Of course you do. Well, that's a bug. We have more bugs per second in the world. We should be able to give you the right answer just once. We should know what you meant. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1724577 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1724577](
Google Maps are phenomenal. Yep, ask an Apple user. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1720166 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1720166](
The Internet is fast becoming a cesspool where false information thrives. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 391718 Eric Schmidt Quotes 391718](
Sheryl Sandberg: "It is the ultimate luxury to combine passion and contribution. It's also a very clear path to happiness."115 She couldn't be more right. You will not be as successful as you could be if you only like what you do and don't love it. Trite, perhaps, but true. Sheryl is also right in saying that combining passion and contribution is a luxury: not that it's expensive, but just rare. It's something that many people either can't figure out (how many people truly know their passion at the outset of their careers?) or can't afford (you may love whittling garden gnomes, but the world loves engineers and your spouse and children love a regular paycheck). — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 501100 Eric Schmidt Quotes 501100](
The tectonic, technology-driven shifts that characterize the Internet Century have rendered some of the commonly accepted strategic fundamentals we learned in school and on the job incorrect.56 — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 483711 Eric Schmidt Quotes 483711](
Your default mode should be to share everything — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 480266 Eric Schmidt Quotes 480266](
In practice, ship and iterate means that marketing programs and PR pushes should be minimal at launch. If you are in the restaurant business, you call this a soft opening. When you push the babies out of the nest, don't give them a jetpack or even a parachute - let them fly on their own. (Note: This is a metaphor.) Invest only when they get some lift. Google's Chrome is a great example of this - it launched in 2008 with minimal fanfare and practically no marketing budget and gained terrific momentum on its own, based solely on its excellence. Later, around the time the browser pushed past seventy million users, the team decided to pour fuel on the fire and approved a marketing push (and even a TV advertising campaign). But not until the product had proven itself a winner did it get fed. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 479670 Eric Schmidt Quotes 479670](
It looks like the thing that separates out the capable students from the really successful ones is not so much their knowledge ... but their persistence at something, — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 473874 Eric Schmidt Quotes 473874](
The thing that people seem to miss about not just Google, but also our competitors, Yahoo, eBay and so forth, is that there's an awful lot of communities that have never been served by traditional media. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 458151 Eric Schmidt Quotes 458151](
The funny thing about advertising is that it's not a zero-sum game ... Historically, in the digital ad world, pie has gotten larger and it's possible for everyone to win, and it's perfectly possible that will continue to be true for quite some time. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 438423 Eric Schmidt Quotes 438423](
Our colleague Ellen West related a story to us that was told to her by a member of the Gayglers (Google's diversity group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees). He told Ellen that the Gayglers had discussed whether or not Google could be considered the first "post-gay" company at which they had worked. The consensus was that it was close, since at Google "it doesn't matter who you are, just what you do." Bingo. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 427507 Eric Schmidt Quotes 427507](
creativity loves constraints. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 424576 Eric Schmidt Quotes 424576](
We are certain that for every one of these rock stars we meet in our daily work, there are dozens or even hundreds more who are doing their best to unseat us from our perch. Maybe all of them will fail, but probably not. Probably, somewhere in a garage, dorm room, lab, or conference room, a brave business leader has gathered a small, dedicated team of smart creatives. Maybe she has a copy of our book, and is using our ideas to help her create a company that will eventually render Google irrelevant. Preposterous, right? Except that, given that no business wins forever, it is inevitable. Some would find this chilling. We find it inspiring. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 416694 Eric Schmidt Quotes 416694](
dissent must be an obligation, not an option. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 413912 Eric Schmidt Quotes 413912](
The characteristic of great innovators and great companies is they see a space that others do not. They don't just listen to what people tell them; they actually invent something new, something that you didn't know you needed, but the moment you see it, you say, 'I must have it.' — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 518131 Eric Schmidt Quotes 518131](
I don't believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 382855 Eric Schmidt Quotes 382855](
if the past is any indicator of our future, today's big bets won't seem so wild in a few years' time. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 361309 Eric Schmidt Quotes 361309](
When a CEO looks around her staff meeting, a good rule of thumb is that at least 50 percent of the people at the table should be experts in the company's products and services and responsible for product development. This will help ensure that the leadership team maintains focus on product excellence. Operational components like finance, sales, and legal are obviously critical to a company's success, but they should not dominate the conversation. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 359807 Eric Schmidt Quotes 359807](
I actually think most people don't want Google to answer their questions. They want Google to tell them what they should be doing next. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 333783 Eric Schmidt Quotes 333783](
Most companies' culture just happens; no one plans it. That can work, but it means leaving a critical component of your success to chance. Elsewhere in this book we preach the value of experimentation and the virtues of failure, but culture is perhaps the one important aspect of a company where failed experiments hurt. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 306696 Eric Schmidt Quotes 306696](
We used to think that the enterprise was the hardest customer to satisfy, but we were wrong. It turns out, consumers are harder than the enterprise because the consumer will not give you a second chance. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 304385 Eric Schmidt Quotes 304385](
In the Internet Century, a product manager's job is to work together with the people who design, engineer, and develop things to make great products. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 293808 Eric Schmidt Quotes 293808](
It's a mistake to predict the size of markets that are so new. This model has shown no signs of slowing down. So we are going to get as much of it as we possibly can, and when we get close to that we'll figure out other problems. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 263393 Eric Schmidt Quotes 263393](
We know where you are. We know where you've been. We can more or less know what you're thinking about; — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 230903 Eric Schmidt Quotes 230903](
Smart creatives thrive on interacting with each other. The mixture you get when you cram them together is combustible, so a top priority must be to keep them crowded. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 152504 Eric Schmidt Quotes 152504](
If you thought when you got your job at 20 that it would never change you were misinformed. Retrain yourself to be curious. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 146610 Eric Schmidt Quotes 146610](
I think of Google as a set of overlapping things. It's a consumer platform, consumer phenomenon of which search is its fundamental activity, but there are many other things you can do than search ... I think of Google as an advertising company who services the broader advertising industry in the ways that you know. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 734401 Eric Schmidt Quotes 734401](
No matter what a person's job is, they should be encouraged to have opinions about the business, industry, customers and partners, — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1170334 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1170334](
At Google, operations are not just an afterthought: they are critical to the company's success, and we want to have just as much effort and creativity in this domain as in new product development. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 79670 Eric Schmidt Quotes 79670](
Google's architectural model around broadband and services and so forth plays very well to the powerful devices and services Apple is doing. We're a perfect back end to the problems that they're trying to solve. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1123304 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1123304](
If I give you a penny, then you're a penny richer and I'm a penny poorer, but if I give you an idea, then you will have a new idea but I'll have it too. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1070376 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1070376](
The computing world is very good at things that we are not. It is very good at memory. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1068096 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1068096](
We didn't see any statistically significant relationship between our buzz and our short-term sales ... Is that the end of the story? I would say no. This is one study on a set of brands in a particular company within a certain segment of the consumer-packag ed-goods industry. It is by no means a generalized result that applies to all industries. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1050234 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1050234](
A lot of the Google inventions came from engineers just screwing around with ideas. And then management would see them, and we'd say, 'Boy, that's interesting. Let's add some more engineers.' — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 966644 Eric Schmidt Quotes 966644](
Technology will move faster than governments, so don't legislate before you understand the consequences — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 853267 Eric Schmidt Quotes 853267](
Twitter is not a technology company, it is a publishing company. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 807291 Eric Schmidt Quotes 807291](
A mind set in its ways is wasted. Don't do it. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 793523 Eric Schmidt Quotes 793523](
If you forgo your plan, you also have to forgo fear. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 792096 Eric Schmidt Quotes 792096](
Find a way to say yes to things. Say yes to invitations to a new country, say yes to meet new friends, say yes to learn something new. Yes is how you get your first job, and your next job, and your spouse, and even your kids. Even if it's a bit edgy, a bit out of your comfort zone, saying yes means that you will do something new, meet someone new, and make a difference. Yes lets you stand out in a crowd, be the optimist, see the glass full, be the one everyone comes to. Yes is what keeps us all young. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 1171084 Eric Schmidt Quotes 1171084](
As Sun cofounder Bill Joy noted, no matter who you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 721449 Eric Schmidt Quotes 721449](
The building block of organizations should be small teams. Jeff Bezos, Amazon's founder, at one point had a "two-pizza team" rule,41 which stipulates that teams be small enough to be fed by two pizzas. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 700816 Eric Schmidt Quotes 700816](
I had always assumed that the right way to do it was to these engineers, put them in offices by themselves with doors that they could close so they could think deep thoughts. This is a terrible idea. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 700138 Eric Schmidt Quotes 700138](
Remember, when you go to YouTube, you do a search. When you go to Google, you do a search. As we get the search integrated between YouTube and Google, which we're working on, it will drive a lot of traffic into both places. So the trick, overall, is generating more searches, more uses of Google. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 699784 Eric Schmidt Quotes 699784](
For a meritocracy to work, it needs to engender a culture where there is an "obligation to dissent". — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 672038 Eric Schmidt Quotes 672038](
Leadership requires passion. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 664787 Eric Schmidt Quotes 664787](
Dictatorial tendencies rarely contain themselves to just one aspect of work. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 634751 Eric Schmidt Quotes 634751](
ego creates blind spots. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 631202 Eric Schmidt Quotes 631202](
Creating a meritocracy requires equal participation by both the hippo, who could rule the day by fiat, and the brave smart creative, who risks getting trampled as she stands up for quality and merit. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 623340 Eric Schmidt Quotes 623340](
At the most senior level, the people with the greatest impact - the ones who are running the company - should be product people. — Eric Schmidt
![Eric Schmidt Quotes 549236 Eric Schmidt Quotes 549236](
The business world traditionally rewards people for being closer to the top (case in point: outrageous CEO salaries) or for being closer to the transactions (investment bankers, salespeople). — Eric Schmidt