Eric Rovelto Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Eric Rovelto.
Famous Quotes By Eric Rovelto

When developing a site you want to determine your selling price. With this in mind you want to develop a larger site that has a lot of content and will generate you enough money if doesn't sell. If you do sell it you will want to make at least 12 months of income from the sale. So for example if your site is making $10,000 a month you may want to price it at $120,000.00. If your site is making you $1000 a month you may want to sell it for $12,000.00. The best sites that you can make are ones that generate income on a monthly basis. This can be from advertising, membership sales and product sales. The niche that you sell should be hot enough to sustain new members as well as keep current members — Eric Rovelto