Eric Lindros Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 11 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Eric Lindros.
Famous Quotes By Eric Lindros

I look forward to proving something to myself and others. — Eric Lindros

People on the streets are ready for hockey. — Eric Lindros

Right now I'm happy to be on the ice anywhere, anytime. — Eric Lindros

When you ask for the house, car, cat, dog and all the fish when you're dealing with a player who's got questions about his health, no GM in his right mind is going to say yes and offer to clean the aquarium, too. — Eric Lindros

You have to dream dreams to live dreams. — Eric Lindros

I don't think you can run around and crash and bang quite the way that I might have done in the past. — Eric Lindros

I've been excited since I received a phone call from Paul Holmgren inviting me to represent the Flyers and Flyer fans at the alumni game of the Winter Classic weekend. — Eric Lindros

There's always risk. But I'm going to come in and play hard. I want to come in and contribute. — Eric Lindros

I might have practiced stick-handling with my head up a bit more. — Eric Lindros

It's not necessarily the amount of time you spend at practice that counts; it's what you put into the practice. — Eric Lindros

I had great representatives looking out for my best interests and safety. They just happened to be my parents. — Eric Lindros