Emma Clifton Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Emma Clifton.
Famous Quotes By Emma Clifton

Painful sunlight spilled into Darcy's bedroom. He groaned and buried his head beneath his pillow.
"Good morning, Master Darcy," called Niles's cheerful voice. "Nice day out; just a few clouds. Might have some rain later today. What would you like for your breakfast?"
"Darkness," Darcy growled into his pillow. "And more sleep."
Niles clicked his tongue and walked over to his master's bed. "You've got a town to rule and a castle to mope around. And it's a bright, beautiful day! — Emma Clifton

It's time you met Mother," said Marius. It was about as far from a declaration of undying passion as a man could get. — Emma Clifton

Henry would turn into a mud puddle of despair if you died. And then who would beat me in chess? No one at all. — Emma Clifton

Rosalind exploded with a shriek worthy of a tea-kettle. — Emma Clifton

She would die faking her death. All she could think about was how much Marius would laugh at her funeral. — Emma Clifton

Even as she was about to read the mysterious, tortured hero's declaration of undying passion to the piquant young heroine, Rosalind found herself obliged instead to look up into Marius's decidedly un-mysterious, non-tortured face. — Emma Clifton

King Cygnus dozed in his chair, and a dark shadow curled up in the window seat. That dark shadow happened to have a name, which happened to be Darcy; but nobody really notices dark shadows, even named ones. They have a habit of lurking about. People learn to ignore them after a while. — Emma Clifton