Elizabeth Bevarly Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 16 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Elizabeth Bevarly.
Famous Quotes By Elizabeth Bevarly

herself - as if he wanted to chase her, seize her, fell her, then consume her, methodically and thoroughly, enjoying every moment of the hunt and the pursuit, and savoring every last mouthful once he caught her. And my, but it seemed warm in her office today. Hannah was going to have to talk to the custodian about her thermostat. The school one, she meant. Her personal thermostat was something to discuss with her doctor at her earliest convenience. Almost thirty-six was way too young for a woman to be experiencing hot flashes. Even if the woman in question had just had a man like Michael Sawyer enter her orifice. Office, she quickly corrected herself. Enter her office. — Elizabeth Bevarly

If I were her? First thing I'd do is torch my little black book and start over again. Because the men that woman attracts are just plain odd. — Elizabeth Bevarly

Hoo-kay, Marnie thought. Whoever this guy was, he'd caught the express train from la-la land and hopped off at weirdsville. And now he was looking around for the platform for his connection to loonytown. — Elizabeth Bevarly

Since then, he'd seen so many things that defeated and demoralized him. Nobody could change the world singlehandedly. Hell, nobody could change the state child welfare system. Not unless they were able to complete an overhaul of human nature. Not unless they were able to wipe out the blackness that lurked in every person's soul. — Elizabeth Bevarly

tidying with what a couple of the other pianists had called her obsessive-compulsive neatness. Well, could she help it if she liked the sheet music alphabetized? And then put in numerical order according to the year it was written? — Elizabeth Bevarly

Virtuoso? Are you serious? What kind of code name is that? Who's assigning code names these days? They should be shot. How can anyone feel threatened by someone named Virtuoso? — Elizabeth Bevarly

One minute I was shopping for my daughter, and the next minute, I saw one of the most dangerous women in the world straightening underwear at Lauderdale's. — Elizabeth Bevarly

What do you mean no one knows where he is? Human beings don't just disappear. Not unless they've been abducted by aliens. But even then, isn't there some kind of crop circle left behind or something? Does this Ramsey Sage not have a crop circle? Because if he doesn't, then he's probably not been abducted by aliens, in which case, we'd have a good chance of finding him, I'd think. — Elizabeth Bevarly

he found himself wanting to learn more. About her brain and her bra. — Elizabeth Bevarly

People talk about how sad it would be to die before they've done everything they want to do or seen everything they want to see. But I think it would be worse to live life and have there be nothing left that you want to see or do. — Elizabeth Bevarly

He'd never been the materialistic type, anyway. As evidenced by the fact that, currently, he slept in a tent and drove a mustang. The real kind of mustang, lower case, and not the upper-case car manufactured by the Ford Motor Company. — Elizabeth Bevarly

This time he sighed heavily before shaking his head. But he did shake his head. Kind of. "No, some kid in the neighborhood told me and Russell that the chemistry lab of Seattle Community College had just switched over to Mac from PC, and we really, really wanted a Mac. — Elizabeth Bevarly

She hurried down the stairs on the side of the carriage house, but when she rounded the corner and saw Max standing beside the roadster wiping his greasy hands on a rag, she stopped. She couldn't help herself. He just had a presence - or something - about him that made it impossible for her not to notice him. Be distracted by him. Respond to him. Succumb to him. What was it she had just been planning to do...? — Elizabeth Bevarly

figure out if he knew her from somewhere. But he didn't, she was sure, unless it was just in passing at the mall. She would have remembered a man like him. For a long, long time. And then she would have dreamed about him. A lot. Probably without clothes. On either of them. — Elizabeth Bevarly

Gee, color her suspicious, but if he kept this up, she was going to start thinking he wasn't a mall security guard at all. — Elizabeth Bevarly