Ehud Barak Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 22 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Ehud Barak.
Famous Quotes By Ehud Barak

I'm no wealthier than Bibi Netanyahu or Arik Sharon. I don't feel that I'm more hedonistic than Ehud Olmert, or Yitzhak Rabin or Shimon Peres. — Ehud Barak

But at the end of the day, when the military command looks up, it sees us - the minister of defense and the prime minister. When we look up, we see nothing but the sky above us. — Ehud Barak

At this place, Jews have prayed throughout the generations, and it is fitting that the message of brotherhood should go out from here. — Ehud Barak

I delivered lectures, and I was also a consultant for international companies in finance, both private equity and big venture capital funds. — Ehud Barak

If I were a Palestinian at the right age, I would have joined one of the terrorist organizations at a certain stage. — Ehud Barak

The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more. — Ehud Barak

I want to study, to write to live and have a good time. — Ehud Barak

Israel is surrounded by a raging sea, parts of which are not willing to accept us as a partner with equal rights among the nations. The reality we live in presents us with profound challenges, the need to effectively use all of our resources, and the need to prepare for any development, near or far. The IDF will protect the security and the future of the state. The IDF will provide the response when the order is given. — Ehud Barak

Until the wolf shall lay with lamb, we'd better be the wolves. — Ehud Barak

But I should tell you honestly that this administration under President Obama is doing in regard to our security more than anything that I can remember in the past. — Ehud Barak

We are talking about a major change in reality that has to come about, ... We are not idiots. If it turns out that this situation where there is no partner (in peace) remains the same, then we will know what to do. — Ehud Barak

In Israel, generally speaking, politics is much more familiar than any other place. We all know each other. — Ehud Barak

Since the Six-Day War, the whole world, which is the real arena of battle between us and the Palestinians, believes that Israel is right in regard to procedure, namely problems and disputes should be solved around the negotiating table. — Ehud Barak

If I were a Palestinian of the right age, I'd eventually join one of the terrorist organizations. — Ehud Barak

Iran poses the most serious long-term threat to regional stability. — Ehud Barak

I'm such a failed politician that all of my rivals have disappeared, on both sides. — Ehud Barak

There is a thin line between peace of the brave and peace of the hostage ... between compromise - even calculated risk - and irresponsibility and capitulation. — Ehud Barak

The Left is acting like a young child, saying 'I want peace' ... A child says 'I want candy right away,' an adult takes all of the factors into account and understands who he's dealing with. — Ehud Barak

I don't do anything to impress anyone, quite successfully I can tell you. — Ehud Barak

If we thought that instead of 200 Palestinian fatalities, 2,000 dead would put an end to the fighting at a stroke, we would use much more force ... — Ehud Barak