Detavio Samuels Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Detavio Samuels.
Famous Quotes By Detavio Samuels

You are supposed to be ON. By ON I mean doing your very best work always. Operating at a level where you are dangerously good and exceptionally creative. — Detavio Samuels

If you want to understand why you are here on earth, you must first examine who you are on the inside. There are no accidents. There are no mistakes. Everything you need to be great is already inside of you. — Detavio Samuels

Dreams set the bar for what we hope and expect out of life; they ultimately become incredibly accurate predictors of who we will eventually become. Dream big and you will achieve big things. Dream small and expect small results. It is not that big dreamers are more capable than other people, it's just that no one can hope to accomplish more than he or she can imagine. — Detavio Samuels