David W. Moore III Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 2 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by David W. Moore III.
Famous Quotes By David W. Moore III

Look, I'm here because we need to stop this killer. I'm somewhat on board with the craziness. But we've now got a priest stealing the Shroud of Turin from the Catholic Church so we can use the blood of Jesus to defeat the anti-Christ, who, by the way, is Newsweek's (sic) poster boy of the year, all at the urgings of an alcoholic priest. Do I have it right? — David W. Moore III

You buy and sell your way into His presence for more money, as if that makes any difference to Him. You fight and kill each other over who knows Him best. It's an unending farce. And yet, He forgives you. He loves you. — David W. Moore III