Dave Madden Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Dave Madden.
Famous Quotes By Dave Madden

I never did anything as an actor that I was extremely proud of. — Dave Madden

I wish I could look back and say, 'OK here was a T.V. show or a movie that I thought was so perfect for me', or, 'I did such a good job that if I died tomorrow at least I could say I left that as my legacy.' But there isn't anything that falls into that category. — Dave Madden

I try not to look back on my career. — Dave Madden

Fame was not at all what it was cracked up to be, as far as I was concerned. — Dave Madden

I found fame to be somewhat of a prison. The more famous you were, the smaller the cell that you had to live in. — Dave Madden