CLAMP Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 78 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by CLAMP.
Famous Quotes By CLAMP

Subaru ... thinks that you're special. That's why I want to trust you ...
Don't forget ... There is a definite crime that can't be made up ... There's no one who can't love someone ... Sei-chan ...
-Hokuto Sumeragi — CLAMP

But the aspect of secrets is they leak out. If they didn't leak, they wouldn't be interesting. — CLAMP

Nobody can know ... just how heavy a burden trying to protect another human being can be. I was still a child. I couldn't have understood the real meaning of my promise. — CLAMP

If you don't want her to go, you should say it. Those jerks who can't say a word no matter how much time passes ... I just don't get them. If they're doing whatever the hell they want ... then you should do what you want too. I hate those jerks who fool themselves into thinking that just because they clam up, nobody knows what's going on with them!! — CLAMP

However, there is something stronger than an unaccomplished future someone saw in a dream and that is a wish of a human heart. — CLAMP

Did that high-and-mighty attitude of yours come attached to you when you were spawned?!
Was it a bug your programmer couldn't fix?! — CLAMP

However if you wish unhappiness on someone else then the very strength of that wish will make you unhappy. — CLAMP

After the way you accepted the mission, I know I can't convince you otherwise. So, instead ... come back alive. We'll be here ... waiting for you to come back. — CLAMP

But there's one thing you must remember. Whether you want it or not, once you have created bonds between you and other people, those bonds will never disappear. — CLAMP

You can't know now what the results will be in the future. So for now, don't even think about it. Think about what you want to do and what you can do. That's very different from 'running away'. What do you want to do? — CLAMP

Even though this world is narrow, it is wide ... to those who understand.
This world isn't the only one. — CLAMP

Even knowing all, being forbidden to tell. Even wanting to help, rescue is impossible. I know of no condition more painful than that. — CLAMP

Fai: But ... Don't you think they've changed? At the start of our travels, Syaoran-kun never smiled at all. Like he was suffering. And maybe it was because Sakura lost all of her memories but she always seemed so unsure of herself. And Kuro-run, you were always angry. And now you're exactly the same.
Kurogane: Huh?
Fai: But ... During our travels, there are a lot of painful spots, but there are also fun times. And when I see those two giving it their all and smiling ... I can't help but think they've changed.
Kurogane: If you think that, then you've changed too. — CLAMP

Just because you know it [my past]... doesn't mean that my wounds are a weight you have to carry.
~Kurogane-san — CLAMP

The princess is strong. And because she's strong, she's fragile. If somebody doesn't teach her that fact, she'll break. — CLAMP

Never lose sight of your wish! And if you want to see the wish fulfilled ... you must choose! No matter how painful the choice may be. — CLAMP

Kurogane: You just said "Buu" with your mouth, right? That isn't whistling.
Fai: I don't know how to whistle. — CLAMP

Do you think someone someone who'd sacrifice himself so easily, is worth as the same as the life someone so precious?
In other words, you consider her an absolute fool who would try to protect a worthless trash as yourself. — CLAMP

I can't do much yet, but even if I can do a little to help ... I want to give it all I have! If a person doesn't do anything, they never get any better. Doing one little thing, taking one little step forward ... I gotta believe it will help build a better future! — CLAMP

Be selfish, be unreasonable, and don't worry about it. We're girls, so we are allowed. Being a girl is a privilege, and we should take full advantage of that fact. We have the right and the duty to act as we please. But a boy who makes a girl cry is worthless and he brings shame into the romance and makes it untrue. — CLAMP

At that moment, I was sure ... he would cry. It seems that Sakura-chan is the most important person in the world to Syaoran-kun. So when she said, "who are you?" I felt certain he would cry. I wonder if he's crying now. — CLAMP

But then, crying when you need to cry is another way to show strength. — CLAMP

Most of the people who feel they are unhappy now are holding a grudge and wishing unhappiness on that person. — CLAMP

Wanting someone else to eat the things you have cooked is the same as wanting that person to know you.
I figured eating your own cooking is a way of getting to know yourself. — CLAMP

Nothing in this world is a coincidence. Everything is Hitsuzen.
*Hitsuzen meaning inevitability, destiny, or fate, as being the driving force in the world — CLAMP

The mutual warmth that is unknown, a single glass panel ... declares the beginning of everything — CLAMP

It is not 'strength' to try to take everything upon oneself. — CLAMP

Until we can be together again ... we wait ... and believe! — CLAMP

Yuuko, speaking to Fai: To all the young ones in your group, you are no longer someone who passes through their lives and is forgotten. You have become someone very important to them. Your hardships are their hardships too. — CLAMP

You don't belong only to yourself, you know. I doubt there is a single person in this world that belongs only to himself. When someone makes a connection ... there is always something shared. And so people will never be completely free. It's that which brings out the fun ... and sadness ... and love. — CLAMP

But it is a very difficult thing to change the future.
The slightest turn of phrase ... action and the human soul.
The future changes direction based on those things. — CLAMP

Because we knew you were waiting, we did our best so that we'd return. — CLAMP

Kurogane: That's what you want, isn't it? Underneath that constant grin, you're keeping everyone away. So that nobody gets involved with you. But look. Just now you checked to see if the kid had a fever, and you're relieved that the princess doesn't see the wretched condition of this world. And in the last country, you used your magic.
Fai: *smiling* I said it, didn't I? I wasn't going to die. And so ...
Kurogane: Yeah, but that was all about you not dying on your own account. Dying for somebody else ... That's a whole new question. Back then, if you hadn't done anything, we would have been captured, and if we handled it wrong, we might have died. But you decided to use magic on your own. You involved yourself in their lives.
Fai: *no longer smiling, looks depressed* I ... I don't want to make anyone unhappy because of their involvement with me. — CLAMP

All who make wishes are the same. When one wish comes into conflict with someone else's wish ... then one must make a choice. Either abandon one's own wish ... or crush the other's wish for the sake of your own. — CLAMP

... and once again ... we will head toward that time. — CLAMP

The guy who isn't in the know can't understand ... how hard it is to be in the know and still not say. — CLAMP

I believe in the princess when she says that she'll return to those waiting for her. So i'll wait. It's more painful to wait than to go along on the trip." 'Well, I can't wait.' "Are you that afraid to believe in someone? — CLAMP

If you kill Syaoran-kun, it will all be over! You and I will be over too! — CLAMP

Truth is one, the sages speak of it by many names. — CLAMP

There is something you can do. You can smile. Sakura-chan, your smile is like food to a starving man for Syaoran-kun. — CLAMP

A fair price ... is nothing to be trifled with." "A price, once paid, cannot be returned. — CLAMP

Oh this? It's a 'bookworm.'
They live in books, and they love to eat important or valuable words. — CLAMP

Why do I keep thinking of her alluva sudden?! Especially when the only time my face gets red and my heart starts puonding ... is when I see him! -Syaoran Li — CLAMP

Instead of regretting what we cannot do, it is better to do anything we can do. Even if what we do does not bring us to our goal, it brings us much closer to it. — CLAMP

If one wishes for revenge, before you know it, a hurt as bad as the one wished for will come upon the wisher. — CLAMP

You can't give more or take more than the exact worth! If you give more than you need to ... you'll be hurt! In your body in the material world ... in your luck in the world of the stars ... and in your soul in the heavenly world! — CLAMP

All happiness and all unhappiness ... stems from one having a desire. And that is why mankind will always make their wishes. — CLAMP

This isn't the kind of story where understanding makes you smart, or not understanding makes you dumb. — CLAMP

Even from just a little thing, it's still possible to die. — CLAMP

Kurogane: For all my life ... I've wanted strength. I didn't want those things precious to me to be taken away from me anymore. But, to have strength means to invite disaster to come to you. And strength alone can't really protect you. — CLAMP

Thanks to the choice you made, another future was set in place. And the choice you have yet to make, will decide another ... — CLAMP

The instand one gives up, that is when it all ends. Keep wishing. Wish strongly! Wish hard! Do not let it matter what kind of being you are! Do not let it matter what pressures others put on you! Continue to wish for that which your heart truly desires!! — CLAMP

Good guys are either taken or gay — CLAMP

You can reach, but you cannot touch. It's reflected in your eye, but the message is never conveyed. It is something you decided for yourself, but that does not change the pain you feel. Even so ... you must protect what you must protect. — CLAMP

From a human point of view, out bodily existence is a fairytale. At any rate, to the inhabitants of the human world, 'heaven' and 'the next world' are both nothing but fables. — CLAMP

Fai: *punches Kurogane* That was payback, Kuro-sama!
Kurogane: *grins* You're gonna get punched out, you creep! — CLAMP

If it isn't something precious, it doesn't serve as a price!" "But if it means I'm throwing away the most precious thing I have ... what's the good of it? — CLAMP

To get mad at being called a "little boy" is a proof that you indeed are one — CLAMP

Living things are restrained by chains. The laws of nature, the flow of time, the vessel known as your "body", and the existence called your mind. The one chain that people can wield, words. — CLAMP

Humans create terrible things. Why do they make things that only bring them pain? It's because they don't know what's comfortable anymore. So perhaps they don't know that they are in pain ... — CLAMP

Because I wished for everyone to live, I did everything I could. — CLAMP

It's tough when anyone is hurt, it's painful and awful. — CLAMP

If you make a wish and if you keep on making the same wish, it will be granted. That's how strong human wishes are. — CLAMP

Kurogane, to Fai: You, shut up!! If you want to die that much, I'll kill you myself! But until that day, you're going to live! — CLAMP

If you're searching for the truth, throw out all your prejudices and just gather the facts. If you do that, you'll be able to see the real truth. — CLAMP

No matter how painful it might be ... I'll do everything in my might! So please, you too, act according to what you believe in! — CLAMP

There are no 'ifs' in combat. When you win, you win, When you lose, you lose. — CLAMP

Ruri: Is it possible that Shuichiro gets more cuddly every day?
Hari: Indubitably ... — CLAMP

You'll stay here with me?" "Yeah" "If I fall asleep like this ... the first thing i'll see when I wake up ... will be you. — CLAMP