Cash Nickerson Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 2 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Cash Nickerson.
Famous Quotes By Cash Nickerson

Relax" or "Calm Down." When conversations get heated and we are listening to someone rant or speak heatedly, we may be tempted to say "relax" or "calm down." This never works and tends to amplify the emotions of the situation. Because what the speaker hears is that you are criticizing them for being overly emotional. So instead say nothing and let them run their course. If you have or want to say anything, say, "I understand. — Cash Nickerson

You Don't Get it." This is more common in tech circles. When I was in the Bay Area in the 90's there were two kinds of people, if you listened to the nomenclature of the day. "They don't get it"meant they didn't understand, for example, that revenue didn't matter. Instead, say, "Hey, I did a bad job explaining my point, let me try again." Telling someone they don't get it is immediately combative. — Cash Nickerson